Status on Lowrider 4

It’s too bad it’s not released for download yet. I’m controller-less at the moment and not much going on with my printer. I could be printing and rebuilding while I wait for the jackpot issues to be resolved.

The issue with that is we are on revision 4 for the beta team, I have been doing one or two a week. Trying to keep up with a moving target isn’t fun. You will like it much better when it is ready for release. Still getting a lot of complaints about little things so still revisions to be done. The major geometry seems to have proved good not it is quality of life features.


I’m not complaining. I’m bored…

Side note, I haven’t checked tracking and I’m working today. Did the board show up at your place?

Looks like it but I am not there again until Monday. I will take a look Monday afternoon, hopefully before mail pickup.

I know I’ll certainly be building a LR4 as soon as it’s finalized. I love using my LR3 but if I’m being completely honest, the most enjoyable part of these types of projects is building them. For instance, I have a Milo1.5 that’s been built for a month or so that I haven’t even cut with (I should really do something soon).


I’m planning on the change. I started with the primo, it worked ok. Built the 3 not long ago, it worked better until I ran into controller issues. I didn’t do any deep work on the 3, I made it about 3/4 the way through new kitchen cabinets doors and drawer fronts before it went belly up. My wife would like my machine to work again :laugh:

From what I can see the 4 should be more rigid and should be able to cut faster than the 3, and I like the hardware on the ends appears to be covered.

When you do post it up. I’m very curious to how those run

I came across one today at

That also has a 7mm shaft. We use 5mm.

Just noticed best selling 42 x 60mm Nema 17 on amzn is StepperOnline’s Nema 17 92oz, 10% more torque than #1 best seller StepperOnline Nema 17 84oz similar to 84oz from V1E.

However, for that 10% more torque, the 42 x 60mm is ~60% more expensive. Maybe useful as a post build optional incremental upgrade for X axis? No idea how much gains would be expected. Seeing some cheaper more powerful alternatives by manufacturers am not familiar with, for example.

Info/specs for StepperOnline’s 42 x 60 :

  • Manufacturer Part Number: 17HS24-2104S
  • Motor Type: Bipolar Stepper
  • Step Angle: 1.8 deg.
  • Holding Torque: 65Ncm(
  • Rated Current/phase: 2.1A
  • Phase Resistance: 1.6ohms
  • Inductance: 3mH+/-20%(1KHz)

Physical Specification:

  • Frame Size: 42 x 42mm
  • Body Length: 60mm
  • Shaft Diameter: 5mm
  • Shaft Length: 24mm
  • D-cut Length: 15mm
  • Number of Leads: 4
  • Lead Length: 500mm
  • Weight: 500g

Don’t forget those require even more current and will probably end up overall less power than a properly sized stepper for our drivers.


VIDEO: LowRider v4 (RC2) - NEW HARDWOOD SPEED TEST cuts! 50mm/sec. 12mm depth of cut. 1/4” 1-flute.

NOTE: I seem to have mis-identified the wood, and I’m getting heads up that it’s probably either Alder or Poplar rather than Maple.

NOTE: I also had reported the stepover was at 50%, but I just checked the ESTLcam file and it was actually 75%. So that’s even better cutting performance than I originally stated!

For specific cutting details on a broad range of uses with my Kobalt router, please check out my most recent five videos or so. They include cut settings for aluminum, MDF, and hardwood.


Poplar and maple are two very, very different books.


I’m definitely no expert on identifying wood species, and so I’m bound to make mistakes and get corrected. Getting corrected is OK, especially when it was as nice as @CFIMike was about it.


Not cool Doug. I was watching this thread for the last few months with a lot of interest but until your video I was content with my LR3…because how could it get much better. Well, the video shows how!! Time to buy some more filament.


Note: this was cut using the “glued-together” RC2 core that resulted from a misprint due to an out of spec bulge in some cheap PLA! Glued together with CA glue. Riding OK and cutting just fine!

UPDATE: I had switched back to normal driver power settings, and forgot I had done it. I have updated the video’s description to say:

For these tests I had the steppers at 0.8 amps — driver power was exactly as set in Ryan’s config that shipped pre-flashed on the board. Here’s the default power settings that were used on this job:
run_amps: 0.800
homing_amps: 0.800
hold_amps: 0.500
More soon!

ALSO: I also had reported the stepover was at 50%, but I just checked the ESTLcam file and it was actually 75%.


Ok, you fellas can release it now, looks good.


Wow! Those chips are awesome!!!


Still some minor quality of life improvements happening.
I’ll bet Ryan’s edit log is passing the mid to upper single thousands at this point.

It’s going to be another great machine.


INSANE!!! It’s infinitely faster and stiffer than my LR2. It will undoubtedly be a great project!