Space mouse v2 DIY

There’s been a bit of traction for this in the “Neat!” topic, so I just make a dedicated one here :slight_smile:

I’m made this Printables following Teaching Tech’s video

This is a cheap diy version of the Spacemouse, a 6DOF mouse for CAD softwares

I already tried to make the “old” version but it barely worked at all
Movements were pretty wonky, and using keyboard/mouse inputs didn’t work too well in fusion 360

The remixed one is definitely easier to print/assemble, and the fully emulated spacemouse is a big improvement

The only problem I had was with defining the custom Arduino board

You’re supposed to copy files from “C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\hardware\arduino\avr to ~\Documents\Arduino\hardware\daemonbite\avr” but I don’t have this folder

Thanks to @jeyeager I found those file in “C:\Users[USER]\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\arduino\hardware\avr\1.8.6”
Once I copied those and edited the boards.txt file, the “spacemouse” immediately showed up in the 3dconnexion software after re-uploading the sketch

It’s really missing some buttons and it’s pretty hard to get comfortable using it, but so far it’s pretty cool
I really struggle with the twist motion though…


Should have played more Wing Commander 3 with a joystick as a kid. :smiley:

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Haha! I had the Sidewinder 3D, and it was great! Although totally unused in a vast majority of games :stuck_out_tongue:

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That looks pretty dang good!!

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By emulating a space mouse, are you stuck with using windows?


It literally uses the driver for the real one, which has a Mac and Linux version. So, maybe not?

3DxWare 10 Archives - 3Dconnexion US


I think the spacemouse software does exist on Mac?
If so, it should work…

The arduino totally impersonates a spacemouse explorer and you get the full range of options and integrations

EDIT: Maybe I can try on my wife’s macbook, but I dont think she has any CAD software installed, and I personally tend to keep away from those pesky white laptops… :slight_smile:

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There’s already a few remixes and mods available

I’m printing this one:

Also, I updated the firmware with this one, and the overall feeling is much much improved

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I’m interested in Linux, not mac. I am too cheap for mac.


Are gestures possible?

I will have to look mine up it is in storage here .

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Cool! Glad to see that it works.

I came across his video for this a week or two ago and had it saved it to my “Maybe To-Do” list :slight_smile:


I’m impressed with all of this. Definitely interested. I’m a definite maybe on doing this! I appreciate your pioneering work in getting better version built and working.


So, I just pulled the trigger on ordering the components for the DIY Spacemouse. Thanks again!


Exciting. Perhaps you already have some ideas on how to modify it?

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For starters I’m just going to follow all of @Fabien’s advice and try that.

Later, once I’m familiar with, it may be something I get ideas about.

This falls squarely in that sweet spot of interesting yet relatively simple and inexpensive. Except I used this as a reason to buy a dupont connector kit and proper crimpers.


It’s a quick print, not sure if it’s really inexpensive. The original is 180 euro and 3x arduino pro micro, 5x joysticks and some cables is 80 euro when sourced from amazon.

The Amazon price for US / N. America buyers is better. I got the arduino boards (3x) for $18.99, so $6.34 for one for this device, and the joysticks (5x) for $9.88. So less than $30 for all, and only about $16 of it will be for this project.