Smoking Meat

I rigged a ghetto sous vide with one of these and a crock pot and hacked extension cord:

(Not this exact model but same idea.)

Slow, but for for long cook times it works great.


That seems pretty awesome. I have an old crock pot we almost got rid of the other day. Do you cut the heating element wires internally or just the AC power going in?

I’m assuming you’d have to cut the wires internally. Otherwise the built-in controls would keep the crock pot from going over whatever the preset temperatures are.

No, I used a cheap (two-prong) extension cord and spliced the relay in series with the live wire. No modification needed to the crock pot, just plugged it in.

Maybe a bit unsafe but you can tuck it far enough away that it wont get spilled on.

Without temperature control crock pots are useless in my book because nothing is good when cooked at 200+ degrees for a long time.

Most crock pots I’ve seen have no control whatsoever, just on and off, high and low, presumably 100% power and 50% power.


This may be obvious to others, but if you have a single SV setup and wants multiple levels of cooked steak, sv the higher temp steak first. Cool the bath down with ice, and add the lower temp protein.


We just cook them all to the coldest temp, then cook the more done steaks a couple more minutes on the grill. Gotta sear them all anyway, otherwise it’s just weird.


You all have inspired me. Got a nice ribeye chunk. Cut it in half and I am going two shots at getting it perfect. I even tried pre-searing one, maybe get a little more of that good grill flavor in it. #SteakScience


define perfect? crust? rub? internal temp? edge to edge doneness? all of those are personal preferences.

All of that! I am cooking it so my opinion is the reigning personal preference!


Sorry. I’ve always been told I was an enabler.

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If someone else cooks, and cleans, I consider that perfectly done as well!


I’d be happy if I could get someone to clean the kitchen after I cooked… Wife and 2 kids and I still seem to be the only one doing it most nights.


no-one else does it right. they throw food down the disposal, don’t compost, waste water, or inefficiently load the dishwasher.


As long as the dishwasher was actually started, I really wouldn’t care :slight_smile:



I baked a turkey today so that I can have a carcass to make stock for the gravy for Thursday. It’s all about the gravy.


I always have to quickly close the dishwasher and start it before I reload it all and annoy my wife. She always loads the plates the wrong way, and I don’t know what she’s thinking when she puts the bowls in. But if I start to fix things, she gets all “well, if you don’t want my help…” or “sorry I did it wrong…” and all those things I say under my breath as she’s telling me how I did something in a slightly different way she would have. :thinking:

Our wives must be related. That’s exactly what happens here.

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