I got around to taking the full Rambo board and Smart Controller out tonight but I’m not getting anything on the display. I’ve got the power connected like in the pictures on the assembly page. The Rambo board is different than in the pictures, but I found the 2 display ports and plugged them into the controller. When I turn the power on to the board, the indicator LEDs light up on the board but the display doesn’t turn on. I heard a faint beeping noise coming from the display so I know its getting power, just no display. I guessed at the location of the cables so I tried swapping them (after unplugging power to the main board) but then I had no display and no beeping, switching them back again produced the same beeping.
I’m not sure where to go from there. Thanks for any help.
First you might have the display wires switched make sure you have port 1 plugged into port 1 and port 2 plugged into port 2.
If that doesn’t fix it then it is most likely the firmware doesn’t know that it is supposed to be using that LCD. I would suggest getting a copy of the firmware that has the settings to use that LCD and it should start working.
If you are compiling and uploading the firmware yourself then you will want to look in the configuration.h for a couple lines of code that say something like define #discount-reprap-graphics-lcd-display. (That isn’t the real name but it should be close). Make sure that one is commented out and not used because you have the larger display. Find another one called something like define #Full-graphics-display-lcd. Un comment that one so it is used. Compile and upload and it should start working.
If these were purchased from Ryan then I am sure he has a copy of the Rambo firmware on the firmware page.
Great, thank you for the info. I checked the plugs and they’re definitely plugged into the right spot. (Looked at the wiki). I was under the impression the boards purchased from Ryan were pre-flashed. The package for the board was open when I got it in the mail so I figured it was done already. I’ll have a look at it tomorrow.
The current batch of boards have the backwards LCD ports again, just flip the plugs. You can not damage either the LCD or board. Port 1 to 1 and 2 to 2, force or trim the shields to let the plugs in backwards on one end (either).