Skr pro v1.2 wifi activation with esp 01s wifi module?

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ask ryan i send it to him i dont have it anymore sorry

Hi, I walked through all mentioned scenarios but still didn’t get this guy running properly :frowning:
I can communicate with the module via wifi but the module doesn’t communicate with the skr pro.
#define SERIAL_PORT 1
#define SERIAL_PORT_2 -1
#define SERIAL_PORT_3 6
Anyone got it running meanwhile?

if you have configure your esp32 already you have to change or sacrifice a serial port you can only used 2 i suggest sacrifice the tft port or the usb port do not add like you do #define SERIAL_PORT_3 6 remove it and change the one you want to sacrifice whit BUT i just look in the newer version 513DL IT T IS DIFERENT ! i am not shure on this version you can enable a 3rd port !

I would try port 6 on serial 1 or 2. Just to make sure serial 3 isn’t the problem. Make sure you are also using the right baud rate.

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I started with the V1 version V1CNC_SkrPro_Dual_2209- - there is the 3rd port already mentioned. I just had to “activate” it.
But I also tried with the #define SERIAL_PORT_2 6 instead - no difference, it doesn’t work.

Baud rate…okay, will check this. Should be 250000?

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It should match. The MarlinBuilder releases have it set to 250k.

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It was really that easy!! Changed the baud rate via web interface to 250k, restart module and…it’s working! Thanks!


Finally, tested this. Good to go. USB, TFT, and WIFI at the same time. Finally get to get the bags of 8266’s off my desk! I will add this to the firmware ASAP.


Adding notes to this.

  • Adding ONBOARD SD to firmware so we can read files, headless!!!
  • When using M0 to pause, M108 in the terminal resumes (like a button click).

Ahhhhh shoot. Onboard means in Marlin mode, only the SKR Pro’s micro SD slot shows up. In Touch mode all three work.

Dang it the quest for headless is not easy!

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Do we move to using the touch screen now. I have not had any of the issues we used to have in 513, with the odd pausing. Issue a new release for the screen as well?

I think that makes the most sense. I do believe we will not be using screens with the SKR or octopus that much longer. It is just too expensive, it can be an option but not the default. Headless is the key to moving forward on a budget. It works with Marlin and GRBL, and it is inexpensive.

I think that makes sense. I would feel better releasing a version of the tft that you know works. I don’t have a lot of confidence that it won’t just break with a new update.

Do you want to make 514 with these changes? Or also update the stable version (2.1?)

Might as well do a 514, I have been using all the boards and machines a ton recently. I think they are all running bugfix from the last few weeks so 2.1 Should be good. I have even been using new TFT (sept 1) updates. I think I will update the TFT again (dual fixes) this even and run some cuts tomorrow.


Hi, I’m also interested in the interactive PDF, any link or pointers where it could be obtained?
Thank you!