Skr pro v1.2 wifi activation with esp 01s wifi module?

I don’t have an SKR Pro, but I’ve considered one for a future project and therefore have been following SKR Pro topics on the forum. If you search for “skr pro wifi,” you will find a number of topics/threads worth reading. Three points.

  1. This video gives detailed setup instructions. Links to the parts are included below the video, and even if you don’t order from the links, they do provide a reference for shopping for the parts.
    Add wifi to your Bigtreetech mainboard/touchscreen - ESP-01S guide - YouTube

  2. The current V1 maintained version of the Marlin firmware only allows for two serial ports. With a standard V1 setup, one serial port will be used by the hardwired USB and the second by the touch mode of screen. In order to get wireless working you have to give up one or the other. You either have to give up hardwired USB support or give up running your display in touch mode. You can still run the display in Marlin mode. Note you will have to make a simple change to the firmware and reflash the board to get wireless working.

  3. It has been reported that the latest version of the Marlin firmware has added support for a third serial port. At some point V1 will update the firmware, and in theory you will get this feature. V1 already attempted to test updating to a newer version of Marlin, but recent changes broke functionality V1 needed…I think it was support for Extruders==0.

Edit: I just realized the link for the YouTube video is found above, as well as the info for point #2.