SKR pro SD card problems

Hello guys I cant seem to get an sd card or usb drive to show up in MARLIN mode on the screen when i go to touch screen mode it works perfectly but in marlin mode it just says no media. If anyone knows what to do that would be great.

There was something about cards that have too many GBs or are too fast, I can’t recall it exactly though.

I’ve read on the forum that a change was made to the firmware in support of WiFi communication. According to the post, you have to insert the SD card in the control board SD slot, not the display slot in order for Marlin mode to read the card.


I did have SD card problems with skr mini both v2 and v3 boards for my ender 3 some oddball redit post talked about the size limit IIRC so I got a 16gb card the problems went away at least on the V3. I suspect that v2 card works fine.