So I attempted to finish one of the last of the to do’s cooling fans in the control box so I used the connections Fan 0 and fan1. Now that I am looking at it i suspect that those ports are 12v and the fans I had on hand were 5v so it is likely I cooked them. I was just wondering if there is a dip switch or something to activate the ports I would of thought I would get some action out of the fans at least for a time before they burnt out.
You should just wire a case fan straight to the 12V in.
But a 12V fam should work on the fan port, unless it has been configured for a laser (it has been a while since I looked at the configs).
So if I understand correctly run the fans to the “power 12v/24” and not the “cnc-fan” where it is now.
That is where I run my (24V) fans from. You can’t control them with g-code, they are on whenever the power supply is plugged in, but that shouldn’t be an issue (IMO)
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