SKR Pro 1.4 v. 1.4 Turbo

Greetings, friends!

I am almost finished with my build and am ready to flash the board, which is the SKR Pro 1.4, non turbo, and I have the TFT 24 as the 35 was unavailable when I got everything.

All I’ve been finding, including the firmware in the Git Hub Repository, is for the Turbo and the TFT 35.

My question is: does everything apply to my board/TFT?
If not, what kind of adjustments do I have to make?

Thank you!

I think you have an SKR 1.4 , the latest pro version is the 1.2. Regardless of that, you can use the tft 2.4 with that board.

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Hello everyone, i am new to the forum,
I just finished my build ans looking for a controller, as i am in europe the shipping is to much to order from V1 unfortunately, i am searching on european amazon for a controller andd find lots of different SKR, there is mini/ pico skr1.4 skr2 skr3 and i get lost…

What do you think is the best/ more efficient/ simple option?

Thank you!

European group buy of jackpot boards

The SKR Pro is directly supported (SKR Pro v1.2) with TMC2209 drivers. The SKR 1.4 Turbo has been made to work, but is not directly supported. The SKR 1.4 (not Turbo) has “community supported” firmware.

SKR Board naming is a bit deceptive. Higher numbers do not always mean newer. The SKR 1.4 is a different board than the SKR 1.4 Turbo, and the SKR 1.2 Pro is a newer board than the SKR 1.4 (I think about the same release time as the 1.4 Turbo.) IMO, the number should come after the designation so that it is a little more clear that the different boards are different lines. Each requires a different compile of the firmware.


I haven’t found the community supported firmware for te non turbo SKR 1.4. Where did you find it?

thank you for your answer, so i should go for the same that v1 sell on the site to save me troubles?

In the Marlinbuilder Releases, it’s listed under V1CNC_SKR1p3 – which was actually for the SKR 1.3 board, but the 1.4 takes the same firmware. Versions exist for the DRV8825 drivers and the TMC 2209 drivers for MPCNC and LowRider dual endstops.

I didn’t see it before, but there also seem to be versions for the SKR 1.4 turbo as well, so I guess that has a compiled version now.

Ones other than the officially supported versions might not be quite comlletw and may have issues if nobody has checked a recent build. I recall a recent thread where the mini RAMBo doesn’t work for the latest release and skmeone needed to go back to an earlier release.

I’ve ended up making it all work with a Mega 2560 and GRBL Mega 5x.
Now I’m starting to learn the CAM softwares. I’ve downloaded GrblGru and it seems fine, but even though I could simulate carving, cutting, etc from a 2D vector I’m yet to mill a 3D object from a 3D file. Considering fusion 360 as well, but I don’t know if it generates G code for the Mega 5x variation of Grbl.