SKR Pro 1.2 touch plate stopped triggering

The good news is that I’m slightly familiar with futzing around in 3D printer configs from a year or two back, so Platformio and changing configs is not new to me.

The bad news: I can’t for the life of me find the IO pin definition and I’m not certain where I’d go to get it to use E2 for the endstop instead of Z-.

The closest thing I could think of and google up was to find what defines PG8 as the Z- endstop. Marlin\Marlin\src\pins\stm32f4\pins_BTT_SKR_PRO_common.h has this snippet:

  #define Z_STOP_PIN                  Z_DIAG_PIN
    #define Z_MAX_PIN                       PG5   // E2
    #define Z_MIN_PIN                       PG5   // E2
  #define Z_MIN_PIN                         PG8   // Z-
  #define Z_MAX_PIN                         PG5   // E2

In order to get the touch plate on the E2 plug, do I just change #define Z_MIN_PIN from PG8 // Z- to PG5 // E2 or are there other configs that need changing?