SKR 1.3 no voltage on DRV8825 VREF potentiometer

I was trying to get the correct VREF on my drv8825 drivers. They all work except for the x-axis. When i switch drivers it’s still the x-axis. I installed drivers on all 5 ports and this problem only shows up on the port for the x-axis. Could this be a firmware problem or do I have faulty board?

Is there are difference in the jumpers?

No all jumpers are the same. I switched the drivers from E1 with X and got to read a voltage to set the VRef. I then hooked it up to the motors and all were running except for X1.

It’s not the motors or cables either. My guess is Either the board is broken or it’s the firmware. All i can think of firmwarewise is that the wrong pins are selected for X1. But i highly doubt that

If the driver is getting power, and none of it’s outputs are shorted, then it should have a voltage across vref. Even if the enable pin isn’t active.

Are there any bad solder joints on the bottom of the board?

Do you have a volt meter? Can you measure the VCC and Ground on that X1 port without shorting anything else?

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it looks like somebody forgot to solder a connection.

Its the vmot connection which should give power to the motors. This might be the problem. im gonna try to solder it. Or maybe contact the supplier first.

Mystery solved. I would hope they give you a refund, and let you keep it. Something similar to that. At least a heavy discount. Should be a quick fix though.

Makes me wonder how many joints aren’t soldered under the boards in my robots. There are probably 100 pins on each one, and I probably only use 60 or so…

You only find out when you need the pin or its too late

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Little update: contacted the supplier. Thwy told me to mail some pictures and then They’ll try to come up with a solution.

In the meantime i soldered the connection myself and it works. Every motor functions as it should. X1 went the wrong way first but i turned the cable around and voila. Im so happy right now, i have been busy with this problem all day and now it finally works!

Would be cool to get some money back for the card or a giftcard but at least it works now so I don’t really care anymore.


Small victory over the “no user serviceable parts inside” mindset. Well Done!