Skateboard Wall Mount

My son wanted a skateboard for Christmas, we didn’t get him one but grandma did. So what do you do when you don’t want it to lie around in the house: you get some inspiration from the Internet and create a holder.

I probably won’t do another one like that though because the way it is built the two screws have to be very long and it still feels kind of wobbly, even though the simplicity is just neat. I think a holder that consists of two pieces and holds the board horizontally might just work better.

If you want to cut it yourself, here’s the file: Skateboard Holder.dxf (120.3 KB)


Looks cool! Perhaps you could have used something like a “pocket hole jigg” and do the holes on the top?

That would mean angled holes in the wall. No thanks. :stuck_out_tongue:

Couple half lap vertical struts would stop the wobbles.

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Yes, but wouldn’t look as sleek. :sweat_smile:

Just countersink them so they are not that long? Also if you can hit studs with them and use something like a GRK screw it will help!

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They are countersunk, at least the long one. And we don’t have “studs”, our houses are mostly brick and mortar (except for a few new ones). :stuck_out_tongue:
The problem is going to stay, no matter what I change with screws etc. as long as it’s only fixed with two and does not have any vertical support. It does look good though. :joy:

Now with video as well. Not that interesting to you since you all own a CNC. :smiley:

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I enjoy seeing your process.

But what? No inlay?

And I want to see this process while glowing in the dark. Maybe you need some LEDs…


Most definitely black light LEDs… I am just waiting for you to make that happen. :slight_smile: