Sign for My Brother's Business

I used hot glue to hold them in place initially and it did pretty well, but I’m not sure it would fare well in outdoor UV and weather.


This 3d printed part in clear PLA seems to be working real well. And its a quick print, sits nice and flat. Its only 1mm thick so it doesn’t throw off my stack enough to mess with the screw lengths. And where its at they should be pretty well protected from the sun/uv light from being under the awning of the building and stacked in behind the outer layers. If I had some clear ASA (if that’s even available) that would have been a better option but I am using what I had on hand.

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I’ve seen clear ABS, PETG, and PC, but not ASA

I think Ryan’s right. Or something like fishing line. I think the 3D print under tension exposed to temp changes over time will get brittle and fail.

Same. I actually have a roll of clear ABS that I forgot about. But really dont feel like fooling with printing ABS lol.

These aren’t really under any tension. They are just really there to support not hold tight. I will probably end up regretting it but I am far enough along that I am going to continue rolling with it lol.

Current state…


Well made it here…

Somehow I’m missing the backer for one of the S in SXS. Will cut a new one in the morning. I’m also short about 20 screws. And a crap ton of wiring on the back lol


You rock. This is awesome

Well here is how far I made it yesterday…

Still a little left to do for it to be 100% complete. Need to tidy up the wiring on the back and finish with the trim work. Some of that is not all sitting flush so I plan to take a trim bit in the router and get that all cleaned up and looking right today as well. Then tomorrow I can deliver it and meet with the guy that’s going to be framing out the front of the building to hang it. Hopefully in the next week or 2 I will have pics of it hanging on the building to post! I think it will look much better than what is there now!


Well… Just loaded the sign up about to deliver it. Hopefully he is as impressed with it as I am :rofl:


We are impressed with you. :heart:


Sweet! We got to see it when it gets hung up

That sign is going to out last the wood up there


We met the guy that is framing it out and mounting it there. I believe he is planning to do all that next week. They are going to send me pic when they mount it so I’ll be sure to post it then. He loved the way the sign came out. Was way better than he expected! He couldn’t believe I was able to get lights not only on the outside of all the letters but also on the inside of everything.


Here comes JJs signs 4 all!


I do hope it turns into more work lol. But actual paying work lol, not just covered expenses. That was part of my push to want to do this one. 80% to learn with new materials (PVC Sheet) and 20% because I know he has a lot of clients with large local business that I hope will see the sign and be interested in having one built of their own.


Let me know if there are any in michigan you need help with :slight_smile:


I envy your ease of getting into the business. In Germany it’s all regulations and taxes and getting a license… -_-

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We operate under “don’t ask, don’t tell” LMAO. I actually do have an LLC, but there is still more things I need to get set up to be truly 100% legal

Man drive around to business that look busy but have a shitty sign. Walk in and ask. Or even better try to find a few and do some quick mock ups and go show them that. You will get several No’s but all you need is one Yes to be in business.


While we were there @CarmenJ walked around and took a few pics of some of the stuff he is working on. Very different than what we usually see around here but still neat none the less…

I am 6’ 2"…


I’m currently cutting stuff out of some PVC board (actually the primary purpose of my LR3) and yeah its amazing to cut.

Also, I’m so glad I saw this post, I didn’t realize that Lowe’s and HomeDepot versions were different thicknesses. My Lowe’s sells 3/8 inch PVC but my HomeDepot has the 1/2 inch PVC. Thought I was gonna have to drive 2 hours away to a plastics supplier to get some thicker material.

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