Sign for My Brother's Business

Yes! So quiet and smooth!

Yeah Lowes only has 3/8" by me as well. And none of the Home Depot close by have any in 4x8. I have to drive to one about an hour away to get the 1/2". I wish I could find a local supplier that had 3/4"!

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Heh, I am 6’ 3" and we were both born the same year. That’s destiny… :heart: Sorry @CarmenJ:stuck_out_tongue:

My 5-year-old son walked by while I was looking at the pics, now he wants one of each… -_-


lol. The first 5 pics are of a bike he is selling in the next few days for $60k. The BIG white one is his “business” one and this will be the 3rd rebuild on it. Said when he is done with this build he will be OVER $300k into it… :eyes:

well…I suppose we could share…


Hard Pass…


You’ll probably have to find a plastics supplier for anything but the basics, but I do know that you can get the expanded PVC in up to 1inch thick sheets. I got quoted $140 and $180 from different suppliers for 1/2 Black PVC. All the suppliers are 2+ hours away from me and I live in a coastal city, I would think it would be more available here for marine applications :frowning_face:

Sounds like you should have charged for the sign haha :rofl:

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Exactly the same for me. Hour + drive to get to a Home Depot that has it in stock.

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Went by his shop today to see it hung up…

Looks so much better than his old sign! (Photo posted previously in the thread)

I need to sit down and do some searching around town and see if there is another supplier for material like this. I really liked working with the PVC but parts of this (the final letters for sure) really would have come out better being 3/4” or 1” thick rather than the 1/2” I had to work with.

He said he has had a several people comment on it since hanging it up Monday and a few saying they want one for their business. No phone calls yet but hopefully some will come lol


Dude, now you need to go back tonight and get it while it is lit up!

Very, Very nice!

You should have your logo in the corner :imp:


They don’t quite have the power finished up yet. Supposed to be finishing tomorrow so starting tomorrow night it should be lit up every night. They got the photocell installed today just have some finishing wiring to do. Can’t wait to see it.

If it had been made out of wood I would have used my brand new Brass Brand a good friend gave me for my birthday. But I think the pvc would have been a huge mess with that :rofl:


Whoa, that seems like a drastic upgrade. Super classy, I knew it would be better but that is a huge step up. Congrats, having your work speak for itself has to be an awesome feeling.

I can not wait to see it lit up!


Thank you! I was sure nervous about it LOL. And there are still things I would like to do better/different next time around. But for my first ever project like this I am happy with the outcome! And I couldn’t have done it without your awesome machine, so thank you!!!

Me Too!!! I know I’ve seen it already and posted photo’s, but I cant wait to see how it looks mounted up on the building. He is supposed to send me pics from the road so once I get them I will for sure post them. If he doesn’t do it soon enough I will just have to drive back down there my self at night LOL


That looks awesome! Well Done!!

Agreed, watching for notifications to see it lit up!

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Just epic. <3

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Super work. Really makes the business stand out compared to the old sign.
Major upgrade.


What a great job! You knocked the ball out of the park!

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Very nice! Wow - really pops.

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Looks awesome, I’m eager to see how it looks lit up!


Well…. He sent me some pics…. But I’m going to have to go take some better ones :man_facepalming:

He did say that it’s just a bad pic. The sign looked really good from the road. Have to get @CarmenJ to break out her fancy camera and skilz to get us some better pictures