SD Card will not initialize

Oh, that makes sense. It is great for protecting the market, but it sucks for Ryan. The service fee doesn’t feel right though.

The EU didn’t collect taxes for goods under 25€, but they scrapped that and now collect it for everything, plus the fee DHL takes if you didn’t opt out of them doing it for you.

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I see the store is out of stock on the V1 ESP32s and they don’t come with Jackpots anymore. Any plans to restock? If not, I see I can order them from Elecrow. I just really like that extra space for WebUI v3 stuff and I can’t seem to find an 8MB devkit anywhere else.

This is such a bummer.
@vicious1 - could you put them on the Web store with a good markup even after your ridiculous taxes? Put them on at 100% markup or something…

I’d pay $32 for the geunuine V1s with the extra storage and added USB GPIOs…


Ryan said prices had gone up so that they were now more expensive than the genuine ones. But yeah, I also think that being able to order them would be good for some applications. :slight_smile:

I have some new ones coming in from Espressif, some with 8MB. I think you guys will agree they are the right way to go. The issue is they are taking forever to ship. When they get here and test okay maybe a larger order will speed things up a bit.