SD Card will not initialize

I had rolled back Fluidnc to 3.7.13, now have it back to 3.9.1 with the current yaml. I have not been able to get an SD card to register, ordered 3 from Ryan. The new cards all failed to register as well. I am using Fluidnc in AP mode where I am able to jog and home the machine on all three axis with no issues or errors being reported.
I have been working on this issue for a week now and asking for help.
I hope I am doing something incorrectly but at this point I am thinking it may be a bad jackpot controller.

I believe Ryan has said he tests them all before shipping so it’s not impossible but not the most likely culprit.

Did you format the sdcards before trying them?

What I am seeing

Yes the ones I purchased here with two different 3rd party formatting tools on both windows 11 and 10 machines. I did not formatt the 3 I received from Ryan.

Are you plugging in the USB before powering up the Jackpot?

Make sure the USB is unplugged, and power it fully with the power supply first just to be sure everything is initialized correctly.

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Yes, it is plugged into the card in the picture but unplugged at the computer, easier that way

I reformatted one of the cards I got from Ryan, FAT32 with Run DiskGenius. The board still does not recoginize that an SD Card is in the machine.

Just to eliminate the assumption not questioning your intelligence but you are pushing the card in and engaging the toggle spring lock I.e. push in and it springs back a little, push again and it springs back out more?

Not insulted at all, you have to ask to know.
Yes, that little spring system is working as designed. I install the card then powered the sysem up. I have 32, 64 and one 256g cards I have tried them all.
Everything is working as advertiesed other than it can’t see the darned card.
Thank you for the help.

Well crud, that is a bummer.

If you take the ESP32 off the top can you see any issues with the solder on the SD card slot pins.

I have not checked every SD card so it looks like I will need to start doing that.

If the solder looks good and or you are not handy with a fine tip soldering iron please PM me your order number.

I am not comfortable with the fine tip soldering iron, sorry.
Here is a closeup of card slot.
I will find my order number and get it PMed to you sir.

Right there leads to a question.
FluidNC has to have SPI interface SD cards (Not all are capable of this!), formatted with FAT32.
If you use native Windows tools on the larger cards you’ll get ExFAT file system and that absolutly won’t work.

If you power on your jackpot with an SD card in it, you sould be able to pull an $SS diag command out of it and see a message like this one:

[MSG:INFO: SPI SCK:gpio.18 MOSI:gpio.23 MISO:gpio.19]

What do you get?

I read the Fluidnc Wiki on the SD Cards, I don’t know for sure if all the old chips I had here supported SPI however all the new ones I have purchased do. The larger one is one I had on hand. I tried to keep the size to 32 but did buy on 64 hoping just maybe it would work. Some of them were formatted with the exFAT32, that was changed to FAT32.
I will send the message I get in the morning so this is from memory, up near the top are 2 lines for the SD Card, one looks like it is looking for a signal from pin 5
At the bottom is the line
MSG:ERR sdmmc_card_ini failed code 0x108

When I hit the refresh button it just repeats this message. This has never changed regardless of what SD Card I have in the socket.
I believe it is the same with no Card in the socket also.

Another troubleshooting step you can try is to lower the access frequency.
Change you config .yaml section frequency_hz to a lower rate- something like the following.

  cs_pin: gpio.5
  card_detect_pin: NO_PIN
  frequency_hz: 5000000

I followed your instructions, the results are still consistant, no difference.

This thread it was the esp32, we can swap everything and I will try to nail down the issue so we know going forward, and I know how to test it better before shipping. New(ish) Jackpot Issue with MicroSD and USB - #64 by Syntorx9k

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Send a known good SD card out with it as well.

@BobFisher would you be willing to send one of the SD cards that isn’t working in with the exchange so it can be further analyzed?

Absolutely, I will send it back with one of the SD cards I recieved from V1 yesterday in the socket.

I want to thank everyone that played a hand in getting my issue resolved!
With the new Jackpot installed it instantly recognized the SD card. I was able to run the Crown file with no issues at all. I then ran a test with Universal G-Gcode Sender sending the file directly from the software to the Jackpot and it ran flawlessly.
Once again I want thank one and all for helping me solve the problem.