Router Rapidly Moving Sideways During longer Runs

Or the "Drop Bears of Spring’… :koala: :skull:

Lol, as an Australian who has spent a few winters living overseas, not even in especially cold places, but places where it snows every winter (the coldest temperature on record where I live is 2 Celcius, so snow is unheard of) I appreciate that what we call “cold” is very different to what the rest of the world calls cold.

Thanks for the Raspberry Pi suggestion, I’m just about to try my tablet option and see how it cuts.

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Well I just did an almost 3 hour run controlling it from my Android tablet instead of the LCD screen and it worked flawlessly.

Thank you to everyone who contributed, definitely looked like an electrical interference problem or issues with the SD card not being formatted correctly. Either way I’m quite content with using the tablet as a controller, much easier to use.


I don’t know. I work in attics when it’s over 90F and 80% humidity outside now… I really need to stop doing that.

Yeah… I don’t do that.

There’s only 4 months out of the year that I’m willing to do work in the Attic where I live; March, April, October, November

It sounds like you like your new setup. But if you wanted to go back to the lcd for some reason, shorter cables might help, or shielding them might help.


@BobBurgess, You said this is the mini rambo. There should be a firmware version like 414 on the LCD when it starts up. What version do you have?