Rocky Mountain RepRap Festival 2024

SVGs… are those small enough that someone could put a repo on Github? I know it isn’t the intended use of it, but it could work.

github can hold very large files (they support git-lfs). But there are many benefits of something like TV/Printables. They offer a lot of discovery services to find the files, they present them in an attractive way, and they are focused on interraction (downloads, comments, makes, remixes, and likes).

You can put SVG/DXFs up on thingiverse. But it isn’t easy to find all “CNC cut bookshelves” or “CNC Toys”. I just wish we had a flat cut site dedicated to that kind of thing.

There are some walled gardens that have something like that. I think shaper origin has one and carveco or something does too.

Lightburn would be a perfect brand for it. If they backed one, they could listen directly to model makers and users about what would make the files more reusable. Things like the slot resizer is a great example.


Maybe Joe would support this as well if you pitched it to them. @lightburn , @Colin_LightBurn ??

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Yeah, this is one of the best features of Lightburn and it definitely has to make it’s way into MillMage. :slight_smile:

The tab/slot resizer tool has been there for a while. It worked well when the slots and tabs in the source material were well-formed… with sharp corners and 90 deg angles. Otherwise, you’ll spend a little time in the node editor. I haven’t used it since… so not sure of any improvements.

– David


I’ve been busting to ask so many questions, and I’m back from my small road trip to Sydney so here goes:

Was there even a hint on when a release might be forthcoming? Just curious - Kiri-moto is fine for all I am doing at the moment, but now that I have Lightburn it will make some sense to move to MillMage.


Me too! I sure hope they do a public beta soon. Using Lightburn has been great for my laser work.


We asked them that and they haven’t really decided. They want it to be polished and useful right away so they don’t lose the initial excitement. I think testing might be Q2/Q3 this year, but I wouldn’t make any plans for it until they say something explicitly. I definitely got the impression they hear that question a lot.


Q4 this year coincides nicely with my next batch of shed time! :smiley:


This is a serious set of pictures, amazing.


You look very nonplussed in your photo :grin:

If it is the One I am thinking about he was standing there taking a ton of pictures. It was getting a little distracting.

Awww, the FluidDial pendant made it in that set. I love the shot with the LR3

One completely unrelated one- I"m a sucker for googly eyes on machines.


Nero3D briefly stopped by to chat. Lured in by the Zen XY of course…

Note how he cruises by MP3DP V5, and LowRider 3, without pausing to share thoughts or comments…


The ZenXY has a magical pull on crowds.

I heard multiple suggestions about how cool it would be to either levitate the ball or have a light up ball.

I remember the moment he cruised by. Funky to see that and me on youtube.


Holy cow! What camera and lighting was that!!! Those pics were soooo good!

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He was definitely buzzing around a lot. But totally worth it. There is a bunch in there I missed. It feels like I am exploring again.

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Another thing that I thought was pretty cool that I’ll relate…

There was a point (I think on Sunday) where Ryan walked up with what turned out to be an executive from BTT. As they walked up and were talking, the fellow pointed out the various BTT items in the V5 printer. Obviously he knew his product.

Then he had a discussion about with Ryan about the Jackpot board, and then asked Ryan to repeat some of it (He was recording it on video on his phone.)

Obviously, very aware of his product and details, and also very interested in how and why a smaller reseller used and resold the product, and also what and why the use case for the Jackpot was different than for an Octopus or Manta.

He seemed to me to be genuinely interested in the nature of how FluidNC was a good fit for CNC and why the Jackpot had a use case.

I know in the past there’s been discussion about BTT perhaps making and selling a Jackpot and there’s been previous discussions between BTT and V1.

Overall, I came away with a more favorable opinion of BTT and its leadership after watching that.


This post is, of course, very tardy since the RMRRF was now several weeks ago. However, I thought a few of you might be interested to see the video we had running at the Primo display (since we couldn’t actually run it).

The piece being carved is a disk that’s about 14" in diameter so fairly large, with considerable detail. (Note the veins in the leaves, “gaps” between the boards of the end of the barrel and between the ends of the staves, the stems of the vines, etc.

This piece is actually a prototype for a soon to be created piece with even more character. It was actually on display at the show as well.

Because of the complexity, this project took around 24 hours total machine time, including 2 roughing passes and 3 finishing passes. All CAM was created in Estlcam.

There are some issues which may be noticed in the video, but, it’s still interesting to watch the image evolve as more passes occur. We cut into one of the final finishing passes at about the 7’00" mark and we observe the smoothing of both the background and the grapes. This pass is removing about 0.05-0.10mm of the walnut.


CNC Kitchen’s first vid: