Rocky Mountain RepRap Festival 2024

Rmrrf was pretty cool. Sensory overload.

Chameleon, voron idex, the “flying gantry,” chocolate printer, v5, belted 3d printer, recycled filament, openscad, BQ, libre, cookiecad… So much cool stuff!!


Is Aza OK with paying the extra baggage fee? Is it worth $150 to not take it apart?

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Those are great questions we’ll work through tomorrow.
The other question is- is there time to take it apart in a reasonable way to get it back into the bag.

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How 'bout we do a “Go fund Aza” to help the community.

I can put in $20. Surely we have 7 more folks to support the Aza.



Regarding your poop shoot comment earlier… I got a Bambu P1S about a month ago. My kids both try to get the poop that comes out. I’m not sure why not I don’t care. It keeps them interested.

Is there maybe someone that lives near him that can get it back for him? Lots of good peeps there! Where is he going?

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The crew

Tiny printer

MillMage in action writing my name, yes that MillMage

My rental


Feel exactly the same way. Was great being able to meet up with folks here again, or for the first time and getting to learn about the crazy projects they get up to.
@orob thank you for the swag from your recent event and your help with tinkering with my V4 today.

Ryan’s Rubber duckies and stickers sure were popular with the young kids. More adults than I expected took some stickers too.

Zen XY enticed so many people to stop by and chat. Saw many photos and videos were captured by the attendees.

Cheers for the packaging ideas everyone, I appreciate all the suggestions. Am checking dimensions in the morning, can hopefully check assembled frame as one foam pack cardboard box. But will carry lid and controller box in my suitcase as separate checked luggage. Might not be too bad :man_shrugging:

Looking forward to seeing more booths and folks. Cheers!


How does Millmage look? They seem to have a booth. :smiley:

/edit: Should have read Ryan’s post first. Looks interesting. :smiley:


They were using it to draw attendees names on their badges with a marker


We got a full demo, Joe came over sat down and took the time to give a nice demo, answered questions, and asked for feedback and ideas.
It has one aspect that is not done, but all the rest seem complete. There are a few things they want to change or polish a bit more but I think some of those are going to wait since they currently work (all of those are currently better or the same as how we do them in estlcam). For example, currently the probing sequence is the same as we do now with the code snippet, but they are planning something better. Also a lot of the things I was impressed by or asked about is already there in lightburn and is also in millmage. It does so much more than I realized. This will let a lot of people not have to use CAD to get cutting on their own custom made projects. I walked up and they ran my name on my badge , and someone before and after me. They edited the text and hit send. I did that at MRRF last year for a few of us and it was much more of a hassle to make our names, then the gcode, move it over and run it. Very excited.


Awesome to hear! Thanks for taking time to report for us!

And i still have my badge! Hanging in my office in garage!! Said i was not going to mrrf, but i am not so sure now! I may have to find a way!!!

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If you used Estlcam as a controller as well it would only take a few seconds as well. :stuck_out_tongue:

So the question is: which board does it support as a controller? That’s Estlcam’s and Fluid’s biggest drawback that it has to be the “right” board.

The rest sounds interesting, the major thing that interests me is how they deal with Inlay calculation. I want the ease of F-Engrave in a better program (with an offset for glue…). :smiley:


I use a jackpot on my primo with laser and control it from lightburn no problem so I think they have a lot more supported boards than Estlcam does. Nothing against Esltcam but I think this will be a much better option


Anyone on the fence about investing in diamond nozzle? They have a 30% promo code today. Hope that helps, cheers!


The flying gantry





Looks like @azab2c s printer is working!


Indeed, we saw it print.

Also, he’s sorted out a good plan to package it back up for return home.

Here’s the FluidDial pendant on Ryan’s Demo LR3 busy drawing itself…