Rocky Mountain RepRap Festival 2023

I can’t bring mine, and I don’t think any others have been built yet. But in time I am hoping it becomes a thing…


Allllllllmost ready.


I even broke my vow of printed support celibacy and printed 4 parts using it…YUK!

I share your pain, but have to say that PrusaSlicer Organic supports have given me a whole new way of thinking.
They are not going to take over and I’m not going to “design for supports” but I thought I’d try them on this tricky little sucker and wow… just wow!

TomTom620 Hood


I’d use white erase board so you can erase the drawing each time instead of using a lot of paper.


Do they make 0.3mm dry-erase markers? I did look at getting a stick on dry-erase surface to draw on, if I can find one that is removable and is rolled up for shipping I can give it a try. As long as I get at least one nice drawing to put on my wall.

Heffe was it you that made all those Sandify drawings for the wall?


My ;local dollar store has 16X20" dry erase foam board. It’s 1/4" foam with a dry erase surface on both sides… you could probably use double sided tape with that and it would be good.

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Yeah, I am unsure of the table surface. So I have a removable adhesive film for slightly funky table, or I will need to go buy something locally if it is super rough of warped.

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MC SQUARES Tackie Markers - Smudge Free, Wet Erase Pens for Dry Erase, Acrylic and Glass Boards | Fine Point 6-Pack Black | Erasable with Water | 6 Black takie Markers


I made a few. I used the fine tip marker you recommended. I did make a large dry erase sign for a birthday party using regular markers.

Isn’t the point to have some papers to give away?

I have some small dry erase markers. Let me see if I can measure their size.


For sure, Dry erase is fun backup. This time they will be small banners…24" x 19" max

I want to set up to write names on the tags with a sharpie as well. No matter how hard I try mine always looks like a 1st grader wrote it. I think I can come up with a quick workflow…Doing some drawing right now.


Ah. I didn’t think about that.

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Fine tip 0.3mm pen


Don’t forget your logo. :smiley:


And your fancy pants business cards.


Oh thanks I almost forgot about those. I have some left!

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Okay we are getting close now. Any more change your minds and rearrange your schedules?


Oh and we have Chris Chadwick from the FB group.

Can’t wait to meet most of you. Names will take me a bit, I know all you from your avatar or however I say your username in my head. :joy: Just a few days ago I realized I rarely, once or twice a year, actually say “mpcnc” out loud.


Do you have all the equipment that you wish to include? I’ve not been paying very close attention but, of course, we are getting very close…

It sounds like you have an LR3, a printer and the ZenXY from Jeff that will be present.
I would be willing to bring a typical MPCNC if there is space and it’s desirable. I have two possibilities:

There’s a Burley that now has a laser attached. In principle, it might even be able to operate for brief periods since there is a decent filtration system on it. It would engraving only, as cutting causes far too much emissions. At the least, it could move around with low power and there would be some examples of some of the work that has been done with it.

The alternative is a Primo system. Of course, being a router system, it would not be able to operature, but could move around or something. It might be possible to set it up to do drawings or something. I have a few samples from that as well.

Both of these have working areas of about 24" x 24", and so are roughly 40" square. That’s probably too deep for the tables, but, maybe not. I can transport to the site.

I should also say that my units are not necessarily perfect from a cosmetic standpoint, although they do tend to clean up OK.

If this is of interest, can you please let me know ASAP so that I can begin to get ready?

Unfortunately I’m not going to make it, work got in the way again! Flying out on the 19 but instead of coming home I going to Miami for another conference.
Sorry guys I was looking forward to meet you all!

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Don’t discount the effect a fully assembled machine leaning against the wall behind the tables would have! Or maybe not that far back… With the proper clips/clamps in place, you could have the core in a position that’s actually visible, and people could see the whole thing from the top. And I would think you could do drawings or light engraving/burning even at an angle (assuming you’re using a diode laser of “reasonable” size). But that sort of depends on the size/weight/maneuverability of your machine.