Rocky Mountain RepRap Festival 2023

Well I have been really thinking about that. I looked for like a pelican style case, or some other plastic locking lid case. Think I will have to build some sort of crate. Then trust shipping or the airlines…?

The Hosts did another interview/podcast and shared the current layout. I absolutely love not having the feeling I need to rush, or stand in line, or try to arrive earlier just in case the doors open early. Vendors get a Friday afternoon setup, and we have assigned tables. Just one less thing to stress about.



Next to Prusa, nice. Should get some people in your direction who haven’t heard about you before. Also, get some of that sparkling filament. Galaxy black is awesome.


Yeah, it’s getting exciting. E3D and Prusa both have super fancy booths though.

The first or second year I went to MRRF, Prusa himself showed up a day late with just a printer in hand. Actually, most people did, that one was super fun. I hope there are a ton of user builds and not a ton of fancy booths. I think the part I liked was you didn’t really know who anyone was. Like you could walk up to someone and tell that that is a cool printer and you have a seen a ton of those builds online (or at the show) and find out it was the designer.

So any of our user with a build you can bring would be cool. We have three tables.


This is amazing! It would’ve been a dream to fly over an participate! I googled “rocky mountain reprap festival 2023”, and the fourth hit was this thread :smiley: (not that Google is to be considered “universal” anymore). I really hope you all will have a great time, and that the Ryan and the v1 community get’s some positive attention. I’m a little jealous, perhaps I should try to pay attention and go to any of these happening in Europe.

So we all need to meet up over there? I would love to!


That’d be amazing! There was a large makers fair in England last year, with many familiar people, brands and makers went. I guess there will be more of them in the coming years, after the covid-restrictions are over. I can keep an eye out. Perhaps @Tokoloshe knows of any upcoming events in Germany?


No, not really, I don’t even know whether Germany’s got one. I am not getting out much, with a full time job and four kids. :sweat_smile: But I will keep my eyes and ears open.

Isn’t formnext expo in Germany? I think the Germans I follow have been sponsored to go there. It isn’t as grassroots.

That really does look pretty high-end. Not for me, and I guess not for V1E. :smiley:


I would have to get another table cover for sure… :rofl:




They’re hosting a new maker faire in Tromsø, Norway in beginning of may. Anyone coming here? I’m going to have a booth again, @vicious1 , do you have any stickers?? :innocent:


Heck yes!

One day…

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At the Dublin Maker fairs I set up my two tables in a V shape to maximize table edges we can talk across. Also, this brings them in from the rain…is this festival outside?

V table arrangement

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Ohhhhhh Sweet! Do you think you are bringing anything?

Stickers, yes, remind me after Rmrrf as I think I will need to reorder as soon as I get back.
I just did a quick look at flights…24-36-48 hours travel time $1,500 and up. Yikes. So probably not, but I would love to.

Inside, I do appreciate the suggestion. I need to revisit this.

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With so many V1ers there, maybe we should do some lind of hackathon/project while we are shoulder to shoulder.


Interested for sure.

Unlikely I’ll be bringing anything but I will think about whether there is something cool and small-ish that I can put together.

Any cool small projects or carving, cuttings you have made as a demo would be nice. It is always good to have something to show. PCB, weird material, something you cut fast, or super detailed. Kinda crazy how often that sort of thing comes in handy. Barry brought a huge sign once. We pointed to it a lot.