Greetings all, I’ve recently begun embarking on my journey to the MPCNC promised land, but as I’ve started printing out parts over the last two weeks I have become concerned that my printer may not be up to the task. I have a 1515 Kossel Mini that I got as a kit just over a year ago. It’s a good machine for all its breakdowns along the way, but I’ve coaxed some degree of predictable quality out of it.
The issue is the “some degree.” As mentioned, I’ve been printing parts for about two weeks now non-stop, using my own .25mm nozzle on an E3DV6 hot end. By and large the parts have come out beautifully and I was quite pleased, but after reading a post from another user (in the center upgrade thread) about how a dimensional inaccuracy of .2 - .3 could be a killer and lead to a nonfunctional machine, I got concerned and printed out a number of 25mm calibration cubes. After dialing in a few aspects, this is what I’ve got:
Nozzle Diameter: .25
First Layer Height: .18 (Max for nozzle)
Cont. Layer Height: .09
Infill: I do infill every 2 layers. The infill ends up being as solid as every two layers it does infill layer height at .18. I’ve found it lets parts print out much nicer with the same amount of time needed as printing at entirely .18 layer height with infill at every single layer.
Filament: Very high quality PLA with dimensional accuracy of +/- .05
My best settings so far having it at approx 25.04 x 25.12 but in every attempt one side has been consistently larger than the other. Now my issue is that delta printers aren’t square, and use an entirely different variety of math than Cartesian printers, and as you can see… the dimensions are not entirely uniform. The good news is that with the updated parts, both presently and soon to be released, there’s a lot that I need to re-print. As well, I’m probably going to use PET for my second attempt (assuming bridging works with that), but I need to figure out if it’s even possible for me to print the parts with my machine’s rather unique inaccuracies.
Any suggestions or advice? Can I get away with variable amounts of sanding? I can’t seem to find much about rectifying this sort of issues with delta printers.