Ramps not recognising MK extruder


please let me explain my issue with my build:

Everything was assembled as shown in instructions, i did a start run with pen and all stepper motors are working (x,y,z).
When i attach driver for MK extruder and extruder onto the mount there is no response, repetier host is not recognizing it neither LCD control panel does.
Stepper mounted on extruder is 100% in working order. Any advice?



I don’t understand what isn’t working?

You can’t use it until it is above 170 degrees its a cold extrusion safety.

If that is not the issue please answer these. So we can get straight to the issue.

These things should all be included in your post. It makes it much faster to diagnose problems.

  1. Did you buy everything from here?
    a)If you didn’t or changed some things please don’t leave out any details.
    b)What firmware?

  2. Are you using end stops?
    a)If so please disconnect them.

  3. Are you using all my recommended parts?
    a) If not please list what parts you used.

  4. Include a picture so obvious errors might be spotted.