Rambo 1.4 PlatformIO Error

Here’s my issue, I am getting an error when I try to upload/flash Marlin to the Rambo 1.4 board
Here are screen shots

I purchased the board and dual end stop option from V1. I’ve read in several different places that the board comes pre flashed w/ the correct software…However, I wired the board to my steppers and noticed that only X1 and Y1 were operational. X2 and Y2 steppers were not moving. So I assume that my board was not flashed for dual limit switches. This is why I am trying to flash the board.

I made certain that the steppers are wired correctly. I unplugged steppers X2 & Y2 and plugged them into X1 & X2 ports on the board to confirm that the steppers are functional. All steppers work, my X2 & Y2 ports on the board are not communicating w/ the steppers. This is why I think the board has the incorrect software.

I followed the tutorial on flashing the board and downloading the correct software. Visual Studio compiles/builds correctly, it just wont upload to my board.

Any help would be great!

That message means it isn’t talking to the board. The most common mistake is not powering it by 12V. The USB won’t power the microcontroller, only 12V will.

You can see the version number (like 513S, 515D, etc.) On the lcd, or when you connect with a computer. The command M115 forces reporting of the version number. The ones that end in S are for serial. The ones that end in D are for dual endstop MPCNCs. The ones that end in DL are dual for low riders (two Y and two Z).

If it doesn’t have anything like that, it may not have any firmware from V1. V1’s firmware builds add in the version 5XXD, or whatever.

I believe you when you say it isn’t flashed with the right version. I just want you to be able to know how to check yourself.

Also, you can get the firmware compiled from MarlinBuilder releases and upload the .hex using xloader. I would stick with platformio for now, since you are 95% there. On the plus side, you should be able to make any changes you want without any worries.

Just needed to supply 12V!! Next question… How are the limit switched supposed to be wired? Normally Open or Normally Closed? I currently have them wired N/C and it doesn’t want to home when I tell it to

Normally closed and ground. Test M119 first before trying to home. It will make sure you have them wired correctly before messing with the motors and drivers.

so I just switched the wiring on the switch itself to NC and it does the same thing. It moves a small amount and stops.

How do I test M119?

How are you connecting to the board? You can send M119 from an attached computer (using repetier host or similar). If you only have the lcs screen, I don’t think there is a way.

If you post a picture of the wiring, we can probably spot the problem.

Just figured out the switches and it homes correctly. Now I need to investigate connecting the board to my computer. I am using the LCD at the moment

If it homes correctly, you don’t have to worry about it. Put the test crown gcode on an sd car and zip tie a pen on it. :rocket:

Messing around w/ the pi now. What is the V1pi login?

Username: pi
Password: raspberry

Change it as soon as you can. It is the standard pw for all pi os images.

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ok. now it says failed to start /etc/rc.local

After I type in the username and password it says pi@v1pi: $ What do I enter here?

That is the command prompt. You can enter whatever you want in there.

Are you following the instructions here?



Ok. So are you trying to change the password? Or what are you trying to do on the command line?

If you want to change the password, just type passwd and press enter. It will ask you for your old password and then new one.

Im not sure?? When I power on the pi and enter the username and password, this is as far as it gets. Its waiting for me to do something in the command line. I don’t know what to do next

Oh, ok.

This image isn’t set up to work like a desktop computer. It is meant to be a server.

I have mine attached to my cnc machine and it connects to my wifi and the cnc.

Then I use another machine (sometimes my phone, but most often my laptop) to connect to the website it hosts and I run the cnc from there.

This pi image doesn’t have the “desktop environment” installed, so it won’t run a web browser or do anything other than the command line from a connected keyboard and monitor.

You can install the desktop on it. I don’t know which kind of pi you have, but a 3b or 4 can handle it. The zero probably can’t.

I have a 4. My hope was to use it as a control at the cnc. is that possible?

Yes, it is possible. There are instructions in the text it spews when you log in. You can follow those and get a desktop. Then you can open a web browser to http://localhost and it should show you the interface.

That should be enough to get started. You can also go a little further and install chromium or firefox. You can have it load the browser at startup, in kiosk mode.

I really appreciate your help. Is there a step by step tutorial for this? I am not familiar w/ pi at all