Rambo 1.4 PlatformIO Error

I just installed the desktop environment on pi. During its reboot start up, it says [ ok ] on every line but one. it says [ FAILED ] Failed to start /etc/rc.local Is that ok?

I am able to see the control screen on my laptop when I type in the pi’s IP address. So making progress… The issue now is it doesn’t stay connected long before it looses the server. When I try to reload, it times out.

Now it appears that the pi wont stay connected to my network. What am I doing incorrect?

That’s fine. You probably don’t have an rc.local.

I’m not sure. How do you have it set up? Are you using the AP version?

In truth, I use Linux a lot, and I use pi’s for a lot of stuff. But I know I am not the best to help with basic instructions. The tools I am used to using are old school and complicated. Googling for tutorials and videos will help you find a lot of info about pi’s in clear language aimed at new users.

My goal was to make it as close to turn key as possible (paving one “yellow brick road”), but if you get out into the weeds, there can be 100 ways to solve something.

I have a lot I want to tell you, but I am sure a lot of it will just be frustrating.

If you plan on using it just as a server, from your laptop, I would suggest reflashing it without the desktop. The desktop does add a lot of strain on a tiny computer.

I have it set up just like your tutorial. What is AP? I’ve noticed during my several times of rebooting the pi sometimes the IP comes up and sometimes it doesn’t.

It’s working! I am finally able to control the cnc from cnc.js. Is there a place were I can manually enter the gcode?