Rambo 1.4 and LCD issues

So I have tried changing the ribbon cables every way possible and I am still getting nothing on the screen. I am using the duel endstop firmware if that helps troubleshoot. I just received the board and LCD from here about a week ago so I would hope its not a hardware issue. Does anyone have any suggestions?

Lets see the wires. Plug in the wires as intended into the rambo, port 1 is closest to the 4 pin ports. Then on the LCD side force them in the wrong way, port 1 to port 1.

Well…after a fit of rage and trying to get this thing to work for days now, it finally decided it wanted to work. I think my issue was that I was not unplugging the board and plugging it back in so the LCD never reset when I had the correct configuration. Thanks for all your help.

Oh, yeah that would do it.

You should always disconnect all power when plugging and unplugging anything from the control boards. You can do permanent damage.

FYI, I also had this issue and it was resolved by forcing both cables into the slots backwards.


[attachment file=“RAMBo LCD Connection.jpg”]

Same. At least for me, for the RAMBo 1.4 + Full Graphics LCD combo to work, you need to turn one end of each cable 180 degrees. I flipped the LCD-end of the cables. Now they point toward the bottom of the LCD instead of the top. [attachment file=60918]

Amatuer-tip: Clip the notch on one end of your cables so you don’t have to force anything.[attachment file=60920]

The clippers I use for Metal Earth models work well. [attachment file=60921]


Thank you for this. I have a custom rambo 1.4 boards coming the pins are no longer shrouded so this won’t be an issue anymore.

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Sweet. I noticed you were sold out. Is anything else different on the new batch?

No that’s it. They are having some supply issues though so it will be a few weeks until I get anymore, so I am only selling the ones I have with the kits. Gunna be a lean month I think, unless I get the PID’s done…

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Hello there,
I finished building my mpcnc, but am stuck at the stage of getting the miniRambo to run it.
I have bought two boards now,and two LCDs, all from the V1 shop, and I see from Ryan’s notes that
he has flashed the boards and that they should be plug-and-play with the control. Like other folks, I found I needed to reverse the LCD leads, and with the first board I was able to get the LCD to show
the menu, but could not scroll. Then the board dropped dead. Swapping fuses has had no effect,
hence the second board. With this, I get a blue screen, but no menu. The board responds to
the control selector by blinking the amber communication LED, as it does when the laptop communicates via the USB, (when I try fruitlessly to manually control using Repetier host).
I gather that I should not need to adjust the Baud rate…my system is Windows 10. I have not attempted to re-flash. I am not using end-stops. I have bought a short USB cable with ballasts. I have imported U8glib into the Arduino library. What have I missed?

Which kit did you buy?

Pete, what happens when you try an connect with repetier? What power supply are you using? I need to see a picture with it all wired up showing all connections in the same shot, both ends of the LCD cables.

Chances are really good both your boards are fine, chnaces are even better at least one is, for windows there has never been a baud rate issue, is your system a windows 10 tablet or computer. More details please.

Hi Barry,

I bought the mpcnc parts bundle with the miniRambo series wire kit and 6 amp Kastar power adapter. The power supply works as it should, I think, with our 240V 60Hz mains supply, here in Aus. The board and LCD light up.

Hi Ryan,

I have a laptop, Windows 10. Power adapter, Kastar, from the V1 store, works fine with our 240V supply. Using Repetier host, I can connect successfully to the board, and load and run the Crown file to line N35 or thereabouts, and get ‘Communications timeout - resend buffer’. Manual controls produce no response. Picture attached.

Your SD card cable is backwards. I can not believe that works at all.


Thanks Ryan,

but I tried all four permutations of cable plug orientation and the one illustrated in my photo is the only one that gives both a lighted screen as well as response to the click dial. I will try re-flashing the board.

I see it now. It looked bad but you just have the cable on reversed. If you flip the one cable over it would be the same, but the red stripes would match. You could have a bad cable. Try switching them, physically port 1 to port 2, both ends.

It is actually possible to disassemble that 10 pin connector into 3 parts and flip the ribbon cable over - all you need is a small flat screwdriver with 2mm wide blade… the nylon is really soft on those, so you may end up buying new connectors :slight_smile: In any case, this fixes things nicely.

Thank you, guys!

Fullsize RAMBo 1.4 with LCD here and upon first connection , just dim flashes with low beeps from the display . In case this wasnt a reversed cable issue i wanted to avoid any damage to the rambo board or lcd cables . With the smallest flathead screwdriver i have , i slowly worked the molex housing on the lcd off of the pins then rotated it 180* and gently pressed it back down .

The cables plugged in perfectly and it solved my start up issue , i didnt even have to curse at it once .

I know it is annoying, I have the new boards custom made with no black shrouds now. Luckily there is no combination that can harm the board or LCD.