Rambo 1.4 and LCD issues

Hi Ryan,

I have a laptop, Windows 10. Power adapter, Kastar, from the V1 store, works fine with our 240V supply. Using Repetier host, I can connect successfully to the board, and load and run the Crown file to line N35 or thereabouts, and get ‘Communications timeout - resend buffer’. Manual controls produce no response. Picture attached.

Your SD card cable is backwards. I can not believe that works at all.


Thanks Ryan,

but I tried all four permutations of cable plug orientation and the one illustrated in my photo is the only one that gives both a lighted screen as well as response to the click dial. I will try re-flashing the board.

I see it now. It looked bad but you just have the cable on reversed. If you flip the one cable over it would be the same, but the red stripes would match. You could have a bad cable. Try switching them, physically port 1 to port 2, both ends.

It is actually possible to disassemble that 10 pin connector into 3 parts and flip the ribbon cable over - all you need is a small flat screwdriver with 2mm wide blade… the nylon is really soft on those, so you may end up buying new connectors :slight_smile: In any case, this fixes things nicely.

Thank you, guys!

Fullsize RAMBo 1.4 with LCD here and upon first connection , just dim flashes with low beeps from the display . In case this wasnt a reversed cable issue i wanted to avoid any damage to the rambo board or lcd cables . With the smallest flathead screwdriver i have , i slowly worked the molex housing on the lcd off of the pins then rotated it 180* and gently pressed it back down .

The cables plugged in perfectly and it solved my start up issue , i didnt even have to curse at it once .

I know it is annoying, I have the new boards custom made with no black shrouds now. Luckily there is no combination that can harm the board or LCD.

I was pretty happy actually . Building a diy machine like this , my assumptions going through the process were to expect some hiccups . To be honest , everything went together quite well and I’m more impressed now with the overall design than when i first saw it online .


Best post ever!

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HELP!!! PLEASE!!! My son and I have been working on this project for quite some time now but keep getting stuck at the same point . We’re on our second RAMBo v1.4… this one purchased directly from V1Eng… so it is supposedly all programmed and ready to go??? Right? We have it hooked into our computer and powered with a pluggable 12v power source. No lights I the board, no nothing…ugh… so lost.

Lets see the board as you have it wired.


I am having trouble connecting my screen to my Rambo v1.3. It seems like I have the wrong quick connect. . . ? Can someone point me in the right direction? I will try to upload some pictures.


(I posted this on another part of the forum but maybe this is a better place)[attachment file=85810]
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I had the same problem. Attached is a photo of the setup that worked! These are recently purchased cables, and boards. The same batch maybe? On the board the cables are headed toward the axis sockets. Someone said disregard the red stripe, but I would at least start out like it is in the photo.[attachment file=85820]



Thanks but mine has 4 plastic connectors that won’t let me plug in that way. It seems like my board is a cross between a Rambo v1.3 and a 1.4 :). Or am I missing something??[attachment file=85825]
This is a picture I found, this looks like the connection that I need. . .


Try switching the cables end for end. There is no socket on my Rambo 1.4.

could you send me a clearer picture? It is blurry at that connection on my computer


Sorry better photos. I also now realize that the board in question is a 1.3L. [attachment file=85840]
[attachment file=85841]
[attachment file=85842]
[attachment file=85843]

Sorry better photos. I also now realize that the board in question is a 1.3L. [attachment file=85846]
[attachment file=85847]
[attachment file=85848]
[attachment file=85849]

Thanks a Bunch! I just found the adapter that I need

Sorry better photos. I also now realize that the board in question is a 1.3L. [attachment file=85853]
[attachment file=85854]