Questions and advice about ZenXY v2 size

The ZenXY kit is arriving next week, I am reprinting the parts and I have the large rails. I don’t have the glass or small rails yet.

There is a glass that is pretty cheap that is 120x40 cm.

I have played with the ZenXY v2 calculator but I am not sure about the build area and the work area.

What size is the glass in this picture?

And what would the maximun size of the table be if I used the 120x40cm glass?

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In this picture, the light purple is the work area and the green is the build area. The top glass can be any size in between. But most likely, it will be close to the work area. The red corner parts have to screw into the bottom of the table and I doubt you want them screwing into glass. So if your bottom is glass and it is the same size as the top, then the glass will be close to the work area.

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Thank you for your reply. I get that the top is glass.

But not sure about why the bottom would be glass? Also, when addings led lights to the table, how does the z spacing work?

I have ordered the kit from the store and I have 2x steppers from the store, but it hasn’t arrived yet. So I don’t have anything to look and feel at.

There are many ways to do it.

In my table top version, I sandwiched 3 pieces of ply to make a deep recess for the leds. I like using glass under the sand to get a flat and rigid surface for the ball to ride on and the magnet to fly under.

The table pictured is by Ryan and there are a few details here:

I am reading your ZenXY thread at the moment, I think that will give me much more understanding on what size that I would like and give me some ideas.

Glass on glass seems nice.

Are you satisfied with the size you built?

I found 2 pieces of glass from ikea that are 80x37cm. I will be using these since they come in the 2-pack and they are tempered.

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I think that is the wider version of the glass I bought. The border is not small, so making the table too small makes it feel weird. But the table I linked feels natural (a bit like a 4:3 screen). I have brought it to two shows and it actracts a ton of attention. Everyone is interested in it. The addressable LEDs are quite flashy.

So I stopped being cheap and made an order and today it arrived! :smiley:


I’ve been looking at the calculator but it doesn’t compute :stuck_out_tongue:

If I go with the 80x37 cm glass, what will be the length of the small and large rails?

Should the “X image dimensions” be 37 cm or could it be more and then I restrict it in firmware?

This calculator, right?

That should be good. It is based on the total table size, so you could cut a hole in an existing table.

I tweaked it a little and I couldn’t select the non US version on my mobile for some reason. But I tweaked it until the “actual area needed” was 12mm smaller than your glass (to give some room for a lip to hold the glass up).

The X rails and Y rails have to be larger than the glass, for sure. This looks right to me.

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Yes, that’s the calculator I’m wrestling with. I can’t select non US version on my computer either. Perhaps that option is not availiable?

I’ll try it tomorrow, I need to go to ikea and buy the glass.

Thanks for the help :smiley:

Looking closer at the glass product info, it seems the glass dimensions actually are

76.3 cm x 34.6 cm x 0.6 cm