Questions About Z Height

So I was browsing the internets trying to find some more info on the capabilities of MPCNC. Then I found this: Jesus Christ Look At Those Chips

However, whenever I look at his build, it looks as if he has a really low z travel height. My question is: what sort of Z height do I need in order to achieve what that dude is achieving?

Stay within the recommended Z height. Bits aren’t long and you won’t be able to do much thicker than 1/2" aluminum any way with bit length. You wan’t to have enough for some thicker material and clearance. 3 and 1/2" should be good. If you know that you are not going to use anything thicker than 1 inch, you could go shorter. For example, I have not done anything thicker than 25mm foam up to this point. That is even thicker than my bits so I can carve on the surface but can’t cut out.

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