Quality of life upgrades

Added physical buttons for Run/Resume, Pause, and Reset as well as a Z probe button. Makes life so much easier when doing tool changes or just getting the Z set now. Also added some edge guides so I don’t have to keep using a square to make sure my workpiece is square to the machine.

-Ryan J


Do you have more pictures? How did you wire it?

No more pictures right now. I’m using an input module from bdring on tindie. All 4 buttons are wired to that.

Also worth noting that this is a jackpot board. I wouldn’t know how to do this on a Marlin build.

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Hey would mind to link to the input module from bdring? And perhaps share a few more details on how you did this?

Is that this item, perhaps? https://www.tindie.com/products/33366583/4x-input-cnc-io-module/

I think that is the one he used.

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That’s the module.

There is another post that shows which input goes to what GPIO. Then you have to set the buttons to the correct GPIO.

I used the control section of the FluidNC to set the correct options in the config.yaml.

Control (Inputs) | Wiki.js (fluidnc.com)

For the Z probe I assigned that button to Macro3 and then used this for the macro:

Here are my setting changes in config.yaml.

macro3: G38.2 Z-80 F200 P5.02&G00 Z10.0000 F500

safety_door_pin: NO_PIN
reset_pin: gpio.15 (input 3)
feed_hold_pin: gpio.13 (input 2)
cycle_start_pin: gpio.14 (Input 1)
macro0_pin: NO_PIN
macro1_pin: NO_PIN
macro2_pin: NO_PIN
macro3_pin: gpio.12 (input 4)
fault_pin: NO_PIN
estop_pin: NO_PIN

*Remove the parentheses when adding to config.yaml


For Marlin, this can be done by using an Arduino and injecting g-code through a serial connection. With Marlin, you may not get an immediate pause since pause commands are put in the queue.