Setting probe thickness

I tried looking for the answer before posting.

I’m trying to set the probe plate thickness in the web UI (probe tab). Its default value is .5mm. The plate I have is 14.8mm. I can change it each time the board powers on but it resets to default after reboot. The default values are within the preferences.json file. Do I just download the file, edit it in a text editor, save it, delete the old file, and upload the new one? Thanks in advance.

Yes you can just edit the text or the settings tab.

I suggest you use the starting gcode method as shown in the instructions. I have not used the probe tab for anything other than beam leveling.

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Ty Ryan. Im still trying to figure out the starting gcode stuff. I use Vcarve pro for my tool paths and I haven’t ever needed to mess with editing gcode before. I was able to just home the machine, probe the work surface with the probe tab and press play. Just need to remember to take my alligator clip off the spindle before I hit start next time :grimacing:

I started using just the magnet because of that. Mag pops right off, clamp likes to dance awhile before it lets go.

There should be a section for starting ending and tool change. That gets you lots of add on abilities for turning things on and off, and probing when needed. once you start I think you will prefer it that way. Less things to remember in the end.

I was having this same problem when I first got the board. Not sure what I did but my preferences are all saved now. However, I don’t really use the probe panel anymore since I have a physical button for probing. That makes things a LOT easier.

For me a couple times I have gone into preferences (hamburger menu, preferences), changed what I needed and forgot to scroll to the bottom and click, save. Without that it works until reboot.

That’s one hell of a thick plate for probing :open_mouth:

I think that was the problem. I was having network issues at the time and when I went back to the AP it started working.

I have a probe that is 20mm thick (and a corner probe that is a smaller 5.02mm thick). Most tool setters used for tool changers are fairly tall as well.

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It is tall. When I ordered it on Amazon I thought it would be fine but realized if I have thicker material I’m cutting I’m going to have clearance issues. I’ll fix that problem when I get there lol

How did you make the probe button? Macro with a Pinout or something?

Yes. I talk about it in this post:

I’m going to have to figure out how to do the buttons with the jackpot board now lol. TY

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