hello, i had problems to connect x and y axes in parallels. only each axe move one stepdriver.
I think i hill have problem if i can solve this problem because i needed to increase th Vref more more than 0,9 for both step drivers or more to have more power.
It’s difficult to make a mirror of x on E0 and x on E1?
who can help me to put my vicious working?
No, i didn’t use wiring harness. i do all connections like the image.
the first 2 color stay and the same position and the second i cross the color of wires.
black to black/ green to green/ red to blue/ blue to red.
No, i didn’t use wiring harness. i do all connections like the image.
the first 2 color stay and the same position and the second i cross the color of wires.
black to black/ green to green/ red to blue/ blue to red
What are the 3 wires plugged into the endstops, be careful you are plugged into power as well that is not typical.
start with the single connection, and you might figure out the rest.
Your motor black and green, plug into the board red and black,
and then the motor reed and blue into the board green and blue.
Running the motors in parallel looks like the picture I’ve attached. As explained, wiring them together just with one coil switched.
The reason for switching the coil is only so the motors rotate in opposite directions (so that the gantry moves in the same direction since the motors face each other).
It’s been a few months, so you probably have this sorted, but if not, I’d be happy to try to help with troubleshooting.