Is there any reason these parts cant be printed? Just want to make sure before i spend money on them.
Sure could, I can whip up a set as soon as I finish my coffee. I use the metal so I could tension them more, turns out you don’t usually need much tension on the rollers.
Thanks for reminding me.
OK lets take this one step further, what about printing the GT2 pulleys?
Sorry forgot to publish it, Please give it a shot. high density infill as thin of a layer as you can get.
There are a ton of pulleys on thingiverse. I have never used one, It depends on how well your printer is printing 100%.
Well I printed both the washers and pulleys, gonna post some pics soon. Washers so far look and work fine. but I dont understand the hole in them in that they are suppose to help with the wireing?
Yeah just figured it might come in handy. I was going to make a fancy one with the logo on it and all but seemed wasteful.
Looks good let me know how this works out as i plan on printing my washers as well. Is that a printed GT2 16T pully on your stepper?