I was about 12 hours into a 16 hour print and my filament broke. I didn’t discover it until the nozzle was about a 1/4" above the print. Is there any way I can reset the print to where the nozzle was when the filament broke or do I have to start completely over?
oh no, that sucks! Sorry.
A SFS (smart filament sensor) really saves the day in this case. I’ve had several prints saved because of that. Well worth the $20.
To fix a failed print like this you have a few options.
- start over
- try to continue / restart. I don’t know how this is done with 3d printer. On a cnc this is pretty easy. some have the ability to start gcode midway. others you can simply truncate the gcode file and start from where it stopped. It just takes time to set that up.
- reslice from the point of failure (measure it or find a feature to get layer number) Starting a new print on the bed to just print the rest and then glueing them together is sometimes feasible depending on the structural requirements of the piece. Both times I did this, it was the top part and just made it look better. If it is half of the core, then you have to make the call based on your confidence of being able to match it up and securely adhere it.
why’d you delete that? it was good stuff.
I have a Anycubic MegaX printer and I’m not sure if there is a place on the board to plug that sensor in.
You just need an input and the ability to enable it… I forget that not everyone uses klipper. Not a big deal to add a macro to enable it as long as you can find the pins to connect it.
It’s mentioned in the manual.
Anycubic informed me the MegaX board will not accept a Smart Filament Sensor.
Mine is a dumb one. It’s just a switch. I didn’t actually read any but google gave a bajillion results to “anycubic mega x filament sensor”.