Primo 25mm core problems

tried to slice the core of the primo 25mm version, but simplify 3d gets always stuck by calculating the infill, whereas the core of the 25,4mm version gets sliced easily. Also the core of 25,4mm verison has 111mb and the 25mm version just 33 mb.
I downloaded both versions from prusaprinters and thingiverse but its still not working…
I hope you can help me :slight_smile:

That’s interesting. I can’t be of any help, because I don’t have simplify 3D, but I do know Ryan specifically reduced the resolution on the output of the 25mm because of the file size, so those sizes are normal.

I use simplify 3d. If I remember tomorrow, I’ll download it and give it a try.

I sliced the 25mm core with prusaslicer. Worked just fine, both with one and several infill layers.

Thanks for your help guys :slight_smile: I have tried it on a nother computer but with the same results. I will wait for @niget2002 outcome with simplify 3d, but i think i have to use prusaslicer.

I just tried it, and it does the lamination correctly. It could be because of his simplify 3d profile settings. If you want, you can use my profile as a test, to see if the problem persists.!AjcmonhnxsUl3lFD8igk6WXKPQCG?e=Sq2cLE



Thank you all for the kind support, and a special thanks to @roger181078. There must have been a problem with my settings. After i loaded the settings from @roger181078 everything sliced perfectly :slight_smile:
Im looking forward to assamble the Primo :heart_eyes:



Can it be the Core F 25mm at 75% infill about 450 grams wigth?