
Of course, single line svg must be check before importing.

I want to make some industrie icon done on illustrator on single line of course. Currently i make illustrator line, convert to bmp then use sysiphus for rest of us then import in sandify then export to scara…:slight_smile:

Sandify could check if it it a single line svg and if yes import drawing…don’t know what is possible to do…

I think it would be possible to import a single path and use that as the kernel shape for the transforms. That would be useful. SVGs are capable of a lot more. I would be ignoring all the style and I unless I find a good package for reading the svgs, I wouldn’t handle any of the objects except paths.


Made two patterns and exported perfectly!
That’s awesome!


Guten Tag

hatte gesten endlich wieder zugang zu meinem Tisch und habe die Onlineversion zum exportieren der Scara Datei probiert.

Sie funktioniert bei mir zu 100%.

Danke Jeffeb3

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Awesome. Thank you.

Hallo Klaus,

sehr schönes Projekt.
Ich habe auch begonnen einen Scara Arm zu bauen. Die Mechanik ist bis auf die Endschalter fertig und ist deiner fast baugleich, nutze einen Arduino Mega und Ramps 1.4 mit Marlin 2.0. Nachdem ich dein Projekt hier gesehen habe, wollte ich die Software über den Link downloaden, Github Konto habe ich, aber der download startet nicht.
Fehler bei Github: Failed to generate URL to download artifact.

Gibt es eine neuen Link zum downloaden? Oder wie komme ich an die Software?

Viele Grüße Phil

Guten tag

es freut mich wenn sich noch ein Scara zu uns gesellt.
Gibt es Bilder von deinem Projekt?
Hier der link zu meinen Zeichnungen.

Was sie Software angeht hier die Beschreibung von V1
und der Link für den download.

Viel Spass beim Bauen und malen dannach-


Hallo Klaus,

vielen Dank für die Links.

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Die gedruckten Teile sehen ja Klasse aus! Hast du die Dateien aufbereitet? Könntest du deine Files online stellen?

I was doing my daily browse on AliExpress today and came across something that made me think of this thread, and polar coordinate machines in general.

It seems like something that would be perfect for this type of mechanism. Just thought I would drop it here.


That is very tempting. It certainly looks like it would remove 2/3 belt loops and a few pulleys and idlers.

Thanks for sharing.

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Danke @zen_patrick, werde ich am Wochenende angehen.
Als stl-Dateien?

voll gern STL yes. dann könnte ichs direkt in den slicet abwerfen und los :slight_smile:

welchen kunststoff hast du gewählt?

I saw this design today & it reminded of the SCARA motion, but probably not quite like that motion. Could Sandify patterns be used with this? Think I have all the parts to make this, but am redrawing them to 3d print instead. Arduino Drives Faux Spirograph | Hackaday

Hier der Link. Hab alles aus PLA gedruckt

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Not directly. The SCARA transform is a bit easier and directly applicable to the SCARA. The mechanics of that machine are very wild. As you turn one motor, the distance changes by a bizarre function. It is sort of a sine, but the lateral movement matters too, and you wouldn’t know how much unless you solved the whole kinematics first. I would have to stare at some paper for a while to figure that out.

Hi guys

I was reading this forum for the last 3 months but I am still confused !!

Last week I just finished my square sand table and it works based on COREXY mechanism. It has Arduino UNO and CNC shield for running motors and raspberry Pi for control the arduino and it works fine.

My other project is making a polar table and it started before the square table but I am unable to make it work fine :pensive:.
My polar table has Arduino mega2560 and ramps1.4 and 2 optical end stops.
Teeth number of the pulley on the motors are 10 and on the arms are 72 so the reduction is 7.2 time.
I uploaded many types of marlin on my board but each and every time I face a new problem.
Could someone please tell me which firmware should I upload into my Arduino

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That is a neat looking machine.

Have you seen the SCARA wiki page for sandify? I know it isn’t complete, but I tried to make it simple:

The firmware to load onto the Arduino can be Marlin or grblmega. It doe not need to know that it is on a SCARA machine, the gcode from sandify is going to do the transforms for you.

What you need to adjust are the “steps per unit” in the firmware and the “units per circle” in the sandify export screen (which defaults to 6).

If you leave the units per circle at 6, then your steps per unit would be:

200 steps/circle stepper * 16microsteps/step (for an a4498) *7.2 big circles/stepper circles * 1 circle/6 units= 3840 steps per unit.

Hopefully you understand that and not just accepting it, because I make mistakes all the time :slight_smile: . That steps/unit needs to be in both x and y axis. Then when sandify asks for 6 units in X, the shoulder will move one rotation.

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Thank you @jeffeb3
My machine finally starts to work properly :smiley:
Unfortunately, I burned my Ramps :sweat_smile: , but luckily I had another Uno with shield and did what you said and it works perfectly.

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