
Don’t be discouraged. We can get there together.

First, Roman uses a raspberry pi, and has wired in some drv8825 drivers and wrote some sandtrails software to do the scara mechanism all from the pi.

Later in that same thread, Jchaplain123 made a scara table, and the two motors were driven by Marlin.

I wrote a python script that can be ran in the browser to convert sandify thr files into the Marlin x, y command you would need to run a scara table in Marlin. That isn’t a complete work, but it is close, and I suspect @jchaplain123 and @ratnaweera and myself would be happy to help with any questions you have.

I think it’s very possible for you to not need to write or edit any software, but you may need to try to understand what it is doing, and tune some of the settings for your build. For example, Marlin uses steps/mm to determine how much to rotate each arm. But you will set it for steps/deg to match the output from the python script.

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