
I found this manufacturer of plywood made from bamboo. It seems really nice:

I ordered a few samples. It’s clear they did some sanding on them. When I get some free time, I am going to go to a local reseller and try to convince them to sell me a few small sheets. I am sure it is more expensive than construction plys, but hopefully it isn’t as much as an entry level CNC machine :slight_smile:

Has anyone tried this before? Done any projects (specifically furniture) with it?


At my previous job we used to make bike stands with compressed bamboo.

I put some scraps on the MPCNC and it carved really good. I will try to find some pieces I made in my shed.

The pictures on the site you linked are the same as the supplier from my previous job.

This is the beams we used:
Fietsnietje Bamboo


I got a sample of the “dimensional lumber”. It is about a 2x2 (1.5in by 1.5in)(38mmx38mm). It seems nice. Much harder than pine.

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I would love to use Plyboo. I have not seen it anywhere in Ireland yet. I have been buying various bamboo chopping/cutting boards at Ikea and discount stores to use as stock for my projects, and bamboo is my new favorite “hardwood”. (It is actually really tall grass, believe it or not, and grows very fast, so it is more sustainable than real hardwoods)

It has very little tearout, is very strong (assuming it was glued with quality glue) and machines about like maple. I believe I have already shared this bamboo project here but here are some vids of carving it,


That’s really helpful. It is always good to see videos of your beast chewing through a project.

I have a guess that the natural product is very porous and they do something to fill it with glue and compress it, like plywood. But the bamboo adds excellent properties over something like MDF (the looks, especially).

Can’t wait to get my hands on some of it.


I think bamboo is pretty porous through the end grain, but not through the sides.

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I’ve used similar in benchtops and commercial fitouts, and of course it’s also similar to the IKEA chopping boards I used on my printed side tables.

It machines really nicely and sands well (also made the bench tops on my camper out of it), as Tom says the end grain is a bit porous - not a problem but it won’t come close to having the same texture as the edge, so use the contrasting textures to your advantage!

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I got a quote for some today. This is if I go pick it up from the local reseller.

3/4" - $292 each
1/2" - $259 each
1/4" - $210 each

That is for “Amber edge grain” in 4’x8’ sheets. I guess I need a special project before I go buy some. It is in the nice hardwood category with those prices.

FWIW, I can get 5’x5’x3/4" sheets of baltic birch for $120 or so. Which was my previous high bar of material.


Bamboo is harder than oak though. It does machine really nice.

If I had a plan to make cutting boards out of it, it would be worth it. But it is too much for me to buy just to mess around with.

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I had to laugh - you are talking about buying a sheet to make cutting boards - I am buying cutting boards and sticking them back together to make bench tops! :smiley:



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Yea, bamboo plywood has never been cheap.

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I really want it to be :slight_smile:.

I also don’t have a way to get a 4’x8’ sheet home. So my options are to:

  • Use a circular saw in the parking lot
  • Bribe my brother in law to use his truck
  • Rent a uhaul
  • Pay for delivery

I rent uhauls pretty often. It comes out to about $60 with the rental and the gas. I can rent a lot of trucks for the cost of owning one.

I’ve also done the circular saw thing and that works fine at home depot. But I would hate to screw up a cut on a $300 board in anparking lot. “ummm. Can I have another one please?”


I only had a car and no friends with a truck when I first started woodworking so I purchased a set of roof rack cross bars similar to these.

Used them for years before we bought a minivan. You just have to make sure to tie it down securely and you can’t go very fast. I also used some 2x4s underneath if I ever had to buy any sheets that were really thin but I mainly worked with 3/4” so it was pretty self supporting. Just a thought.

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I do have something like that, actually. I could bring that back.

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Many times I have appreciated and utilized the fact that our Dodge (Chrysler) Grand Caravan can carry full 4x8 sheets when its seats are collapsed into the “stow and go” compartments!


Here’s how dumb logic works-
A towbar (draw bar) for our car is $2400 (AUD) plus the Uhaul trailer - I didn’t buy the tow bar so I have that much in my “delivery fund”. The tow bar does not add anything to the resale value of the car so it’s a dead cost.

Delivery is $20-40 mostly so even at the dearest rate I have 60 deliveries in my fund before they cost anything, therefore even if I have to pay for it, delivery is FREE! :smiley:


I saw John Heinz do that once and I have had can envy every since.

Yeah. Although I installed my own class I hitch on my old car for a couple of hundred bucks. I then bought a HF trailer kit for $250 or so. I used it only a couple of times and sold it (assembled and licenced) for $450. So if I only bought trailers when I needed a sheet of plywood, I would be making real money.


I have the same (voyager) and it sure is handy, but kind of a pain for the one on the driver’s side. Especially since my kids are always in and out of it. And the wife likes to leave stuff in it, too. And the kids like to leave stuff in it. And I probably leave stuff in it, but I don’t drive it much. Probably where have the stuff I can’t find went. Actually, I’ve been missing my sunglasses for a few weeks, maybe I’ll go check there.
We finally just got a trailer because pickup trucks got stupid expensive over the last couple years.

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