I’ve just printed 90% of the parts, now I’ve started assembling it and noticed the rollers and basically all parts with bearings are too loose on the pipes. If i push the pipes to the bottom bearings, there is about 1,5mm space between pipe and upper bearings.
Checked my pipes OD: 25,02mm OK
Checked 608zz OD: 22.00mm OK
Printed parts seem to be ok because the bolts and corners fit perfectly.
Any idea on what could be the problem?
I’ve been thinking about printing a “case” for the bearings to fit them tight before than wasting another kilo of filament
I had the same issue running the 608zz, 1st I got some 6082rs for testing and all was good, then got 50 of the zz due to been a tad cheaper and every thing was loose as a goose, measured the OD same same, but the internal diameter was a bee’s dick off so the bearing was loose on the bolt, updated all to the 2rs’s and every thing is now nice and tight
I’ve just checked 608zz ID, they are a bit loose on the bolt but that’s not the cause on the problem. Tried pushing them to the pipe when mounted and didn’t get any better.
The solution:
I’ve found that my printer STEPS per mm were non correct and prints came out slightly bigger than it should be (the calibration cube came out 20.20x20.18, instead of 20.00x20.00)
2 days of calibration and a lots of cubes later, I managed to get a quasi perfect cube of 20.02x20.03mm.
reprinted 2 pieces and works perfectly. Tight fit. Someway too much indeed…