I am new to this, and “inherited” this mpcnc. The Z nut lock is cracked horizontally through the middle, and I suppose I need a new one. I can’t seem to find the file to have one made (I don’t even have a 3d printer yet!). It was built from the kit, so I assume it is the 11 mm nut. It’s the black thing in this picture:
I’ve looked on thingiverse but they have ones that people have modded. I know there is an improved middle assembly, but building a newer one seems like it’s over my head.
I think this is the right one. Don’t worry about the spring and anti-backlash nut. They caused more problems than they fixed. The new middle doesn’t have one.
OK. Well I sent that file to Shapeways to print, and it ends up that it’s the 13mm nut. So my nut is 11 mm.
So I have two options:
Would you suggest I order the 13 mm nut since I have the new size nut-lock, and will it fit on my same threaded rod that I am using with the 11 mm nut now?
Or should I try to find a the file for the 11 mm, and have Shapeways print that instead?
That would be great. I will send payment and will happily pay for the part too. Are you sending the nut lock, or the nut? Just let me know how to send the money.
I printed this and built one about a year ago. I had (have?) z axis skipping issues, making it pretty much unusable. So, I put it in the garage and haven’t touched it for a while. Yesterday, I got the motivation to figure out what was going on since so many people were having success but I wasn’t. In doing so I found that I had over tightened the z nut lock and cracked/broke it. It looks like you’ve done a lot of work in the past couple months improving the whole machine, which is awesome! However, It doesn’t look like the -old- files are available anymore. Do you have them in an archive somewhere I’m just not seeing? I plan to print and upgrade the middle but really just want to get this thing working and need the old file.
So… like Bill, I also need the z nut lock for the -old- style 23.5mm.
Also, if anyone else has it and willing to share that would be awesome.
I did end up printing both and actually did have the 13mm nut.
Unfortunately, when I put it back and it tested it it was still skipping z steps. And…then I tightened it a bit more and cracked it again.
So, I just kicked off printing the parts for the new middle. This new design looks very solid and I’m excited to put it together and hopefully have a working machine after a year of starting this.