Thank you for creating, funding and maintaining this forum.
Am on quite a few Discord servers, and personally…
- Dislike the tangents/noise/disorganization that results on larger servers.
- Appreciate people like being able to have quick adhoc conversations and get value from that connection and community-aspect.
- Appreciate Discord’s ability to allow text conversation to escalate to Video/Audo/DesktopSharing.
- Really dislike trying to find best solution for a specific problem. Discord can be a frustrating PITA when sifting through channels/posts polluted with streaming consciousness.
Thought you’re already using private forum Messages/Topics for R&D work (e.g. Kobalt Router development)?
Is figuring out who you’d want to include a challenge? And/or, is figuring out how/where to involve people the challenge?
I appreciate some companies will brazenly exploit/copy openly shared work, then minimally rebrand, then sell for profit. Ideally a fair royalty would be distributed back to the original creator(s) even in these situations. e.g. a x% royalty Fair Commercial license that sits between Non-Commercial and Commercial.
Personally, I’d be ok with signing an appropriately scoped limited non-compete NDA to help give you confidence/protection of ideas. Not sure how others feel about this approach? Maybe there’s better options?
GitHub repos can be private, and/or have discussions, issues, wiki and more if you want to fence some ideas until if/when you’re ready to share them more broadly? There’s a bunch of options for project focused Team collaboration (Notion, JIRA, Trello, Asana, Azure DevOps, etc…).
Personally, I like free Open Hardware/Software projects. But I appreciate that food, shelter, warmth, healthcare, etc… isn’t free, and costs. Scaling/growing a business costs even more.
Sorry for the tangents, Nice podcast!