Older mpcnc

I have an older mpcnc. It was working,but now when i run a print,the spindle jiggles kjnda in place and stops. No real xyz movement. Older projects that cut two days ago, same issue. All connects seem ok. Xyz moves and homes ok. Hard reset several times. I’m truly puzzled. I don’t have alot of troubleshooting experience with this machine. Any thought would be helpful. Thanks.

To try to help you, you should give us some information:

  • Your Hardware
  • MPCNC type (Burly?) or older
    You can find the documentation for the BurlY version here: Basics - V1 Engineering Documentation
    If I understood correctly in the manual it moves, but does not do the job; correct?
    Try to check if the initial part of the Gcode is correct (you can copy the first twenty lines of the gcode in the answer and some expert will help you)

Its a burley with rambo 1.4 it worked two days ago, yes it moves manually but does cut when you hit print.

Older prints know good dont cut either I am using estlcam.

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;Project bike frame
;Created by Estlcam version 11 build 11.245
;Machining time about 00:04:03 hours
M03 S24000
G00 X0.00000 Y0.00000 Z0.00000
G00 Z0.50000

;No. 1: Part 1
G00 X0.58427 Y0.23766
G00 Z0.01969
G01 Z0.00000 F17.00 S24000
G03 X0.61816 Y0.18518 Z-0.03125 I0.49025 J0.27943
G02 X0.58427 Y0.23766 Z-0.06250 I0.45636 J0.33191
G03 X1.06328 Y-0.04710 I0.49025 J0.27943 F20.00
G03 X1.69439 Y-0.05852 I6.71347 J353.59337
G03 X2.02976 Y-0.06230 I0.29436 J11.23129
G03 X4.14327 Y0.84144 I-0.06744 J3.08094
G01 X4.59904 Y1.29867
G01 X5.05434 Y1.75541
G01 X5.50965 Y2.21214
G01 X5.96496 Y2.66885
G01 X6.42027 Y3.12554
G01 X6.87558 Y3.58222
G01 X7.33089 Y4.03888
G01 X7.78620 Y4.49553
G01 X8.24150 Y4.95216
G01 X8.69681 Y5.40879
G01 X9.15212 Y5.86540
G01 X9.60743 Y6.32200
G01 X10.06274 Y6.77860
G01 X10.51805 Y7.23519
G01 X10.97336 Y7.69177
G01 X11.42867 Y8.14835
G01 X11.88398 Y8.60492
G01 X12.33929 Y9.06149
G01 X12.79459 Y9.51806
G01 X13.25077 Y9.97549
G03 X13.24925 Y11.48483 I-0.75590 J0.75391
G02 X12.91851 Y11.81438 I269.16931 J270.47145
G01 X12.87731 Y11.85546
G01 X12.83607 Y11.89660
G01 X12.79493 Y11.93764
G01 X12.75373 Y11.97873
G01 X12.71253 Y12.01981
G01 X12.67133 Y12.06091
G01 X12.63011 Y12.10200
G03 X12.42319 Y12.30808 I-211.35790 J-212.00519
G03 X11.25065 Y12.53485 I-0.75438 J-0.75585

How big is your “Bike Frame?” This g-code has very limited movement. Maybe you just provided the first piece of a larger file? The min to max movement is only 12.5mm, roughly 1/2". If your “bike frame” is larger, then typically we see this issue when the CAD/CAM settings are outputting coordinates in inches. By default, the Marlin firmware does not have inches enabled and expects all coordinates to be in millimeters. Typically there are settings that can allow you can work in inches in the CAD but output the g-code in millimeters.

I don’t use Estlcam anymore, but my settings are:


If this is not your issue, then next look for a mechanical issue. Grub screws on the pulleys are a common culprit.

I’ll reset estlcam to mm and try a smaller piece. The frame is 16.25 inches. I will retighten all set screws as well. What is confusing is other pieces cut ok a couple days ago and no go today. The stepper motors sound like they want move.

Additional information would help troubleshoot this issue. Can you post a video with sound? Without power, can you move your router smoothly in X and Y? Is the behavior the same if you start the job at different places on the spoil board?

It occurs to me that one failure that does match your symptoms is a power supply that no longer supplies enough current. If you have an alternate power supply, swap and see what happens.

I reset estlcam to mm and mm per minute and that took care of the issue. Thank you to all who contributed.

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