Offering Free Sand Tables in Exchange for Tracks/Patterns

Hi everyone,

I designed this funky Sisyphus table and fish tank hybrid a few years ago, and it motivated me to make a more cost-effective (and smaller) sand table. I’ve got it finished, and I’m hoping to launch it on Kickstarter. I’ve got a few photos here. I’m calling it Oasis Mini for now. I really like the original Sisyphus tables, so I hope my design doesn’t step on any toes, and I think they’re probably different products given that the Sisyphus table is a… table, and mine is more of a tabletop thing. It’s about 9" across for reference and comfortably sits on a desk.

I’m looking for tracks to use for marketing content, and it’s really important to me that I get explicit permission from track creators before using them for marketing content. To that end, I’m offering free Oasis Mini’s (when the Kickstarter launches) to people that give me permission to use their tracks for content. I’ll also give attribution to the artists, and when Oasis Mini launches, I hope anyone that participates will also add their tracks to the Oasis app for anyone to use! I also love Sandify by @jeffeb3, and we’ll make a donation to Sandify once the Kickstarter funds clear given how much that app helps the community.

If you’re interested, just send me a message with your tracks or photos of them.THR files work, I’ve got a python script that converts them to work on Oasis mini given that it uses a very funky gantry style that’s very different from Sisyphus. Ideally you’d be willing to give permission for a non-exclusive and irrevocable license for use of your tracks in Marketing content (to which my unqualified eyes is the same license that Sisyphus Industries uses), but if you’re not comfortable with that we can negotiate. I don’t really have a limit on the number of Oasis Mini’s I can give away. If your tracks would make for good marketing content, we’ll almost certainly send you one!

I really love the work of jrambonnet, tfoust, and leuerkenn so if anyone knows whether they trawl this forum or how to get in touch with them, that would be great. As an aside, I see that jrambonnet names all of their tracks jjr-sandify[number], and I’m wondering if they make all of their tracks with sandify. If they do, it’s even more powerful than I realized, and I need to dig into my geometry a bit more.


That’s awesome. I really liked your fish sand table idea. A smaller size one seems like a neat place to fit in another sand table.

I don’t have any experience designing and building a product like that. I wish you the best success. It sounds very intimidating, but your previous work makes me think you will succeed.

@bobnik, @khgrap, @mrehorst, you might be interested in this.



I’m jrambonnet, the Sisyphus track designer.


Thank you for creating so many patterns and then also sharing them with others.