Not another MP3DP V4

Fan mount… modified.

Used a hot air gun to soften the ASA and put a slight upward bend where the fan hits the print. Then I threw 2 washers under each ear on the z probe.

Everything clears the print quite nicely now.

The printer is currently printing a Wire Mount to bolt onto the aluminum parts to zip tie the wire loom to.

Oh. And I shot a bunch of video of the process of making the mount. I’ll get it mashed together and up on youtube at some point.


Wire tie-down mount is printed. It doesn’t quite fit. It hits the X end-stop. Adjusting design now :slight_smile:

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I did notice the bolts holding the faceplate onto the main mount are a bit loose. I’ll need to remove the extruder so I can tighten the bolts back down. I’ll probably add some blue loctite to help hold things together.


Congratulations!! did you claim your serial number?

Snagged that over a year ago :slight_smile: