New Sign

Not completely finished. And hope the next one will come out a little cleaner. Cut on my Primo with a 1/4” 60° V bit.

Wife got fancy with the photography and did good! Trying to make things look good and start selling to pay back for all these machines lol.


Selling stuff seems to be a lot easier in America… I have to either declare what I do as art, but then can’t legally do big batches or custom orders, or I have to register a business. I can’t do that though because for some trades, like CNC machining you have to have learned the trade and done an exam… :rage:


I like that charcoal finish! What did u use?

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That is nuts!

What part of that do you not like? I think it looks amazing.


We have some license boards that control weird things. The classic example is you need a license to cut hair in new york. I haven’t heard anything about CNC work or crafts in Colorado.

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It’s hard to get it in a pic…

Just didn’t clean up as much as I hoped it would. I’m going to try speeding up the bit some and see if that helps. Might have just been moving too fast for the rpm’s. Sounds good to my warped head anyways lol

Finally back home and about to start another one. We will see if that helps at all

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I would do a couple test cuts. Did you leave some for a finishing pass?

The harder the wood the cleaner the cuts. For those engravings I always use a toothbrush to clear the wood shavings out. Works well. :slight_smile:


A finishing pass for this engraving would double the time and would not be really effective, would it? It‘s not that deep, there should not be chatter or anything else that messes up the first cut. It‘s like 1mm? 0.5mm?

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Really just cutting it twice, on the small stuff hoping that clears it up. The closer to the tip the less speed the edge is seeing. Theoretically the tip is not moving it is just dragging. I use a small brass brush, but usually the cuts are a bit cleaner.


That is something I have never thought of, but you are right. :smiley:

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My wife an old tooth brush and got it to clean up a lot. I will look at adding a clean up pass and see what that does to the time. Right now I’m at 1h 20m for this. Don’t want to take 3hrs per sign. But also don’t want to spend an hour with a tooth brush per sign lol. Decisions decisions

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I thought you had children? How much pocket money do they want to earn? :slight_smile:


My kids are too “boogie” for that. If it smells anything close to manual labor they haul ass. Unless they want something. Then it all depends on how bad they want it lol


Funny thing is if it didn’t spend so much time bouncing back and forth from one edge to the other to do the smallest hole it could cut in half the time it does. I don’t know if there is a setting I can change in estlcam to have it not do that. I stand here watching it thinking “this machine has worse ADHD than me” lol

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I’m sorry I guess I missed your comment earlier. It is Minwax Ebony Stain


Can I do anything about Estlcam jumping around like this? Seems as if it didn’t spend so much time traveling around it could do the same cut in a lot less time….

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That does seem odd. What is yiur tool settings and did you use vcarve?

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All set with vcarve. V bit set to the max cut depth and pocket tool set to same depth. It does the same random bounce around on the pocket tool as well. If you see the 2 bottom diamonds on each side of my original picture. It cuts those a dot at a time. One on the left. Then all the way to the right for one dot. Then back for the second on the left. Makes no sense. Cut the whole thing while your there lol

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And the sign in the video is done…

I do believe I will stick to carving them the first way. This took 4 hrs and there is so much cleanup work needed for me to be happy selling it.

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