Now I’m not sure if i want to finish that design I was working on. I mean, I’ll have to BUY stuff to make yours, but it IS better…
That’s exactly what happened when I was on a quest for speed. Once the motion issues were dialed in, it wouldn’t cool fast enough. Once I got that sorted, the hot-end couldn’t keep up with the extruder speed and the extruder gear kept chewing up the filament. I didn’t go any further. Need more heat.
No proven yet…you’d have to finish your first!
Yeah, I feel ya. I am going to optimize this fan shroud a bit more first. If that doesn’t cut it, I will see if I have a better fan of the same form factor. If not I am cool with the speed, it only gets really bad with the small spiral vases I was testing with.
As much as I want to push it faster…I am far more concerned with stable and long lasting. I am building a workhorse not a dragster.
I have had Samoyeds for over 12 years. Love them. I have often wondered if their fur could be used like wool. I would love to hear more about that project.
When testing fan designs you have to hold all variables steady. This is just the difference in room temp, 10f, same shroud and file.
I am going to revisit this another time as I kinda enjoy trying to optimize the flow and know I do not have it as good as it can get yet.
Now on to accel and speed testing!
She’s barely started, but her impression so far is that it’s quite “fluffy”. And they say that samoyed yarn softens over time! Sounds like a nice quality.
I love this place. High-tech state of the art printer development, and samoyed yarn spinning in the same topic.
I have to say, tuning is going really well. TeachingTech’s site is a dream come true, and the current bugfix of Marlin firmware is pretty flawless. Testing flow is pretty obvious, testing accel is working great, and for the first time Junction deviation seems to be working as well.
This time around, I am kinda enjoying the tests. I see obvious differences and making choices based on them instead of guesses. So much so I might revamp the current MP3DP firmware.
So, now everyone’s favorite part. We need a name. I am just putting it out there right now, Barry, we are not calling it Darryl. I was thinking “Ten” or “Eleven” It uses 10 Unique Printed Parts, or 11-12 if you count the tool mount/fan shroud. Ten, is kinda overused these days. Eleven is kinda “stranger things” territory so now I am at a loss. Does this still count as a “Mostly Printed 3D Printer”? Should we just call it Darryl?
“Core Eleven.”
Close enough to corexy that you have to listen twice, but you only know what’s up if you’re in on the joke.
Which reminds me… A Roman walks into a bar and holds up 2 fingers…“5 beers, please!”
Core Xi…hmmmm sounds the same, kinda fun. If we just got a name that fast I might have to make more machines just so Dan and Tony can name them, WOW.
Xi in Chinese even means happiness (according to google). We might have a winner, already.
Working on the last major piece of the puzzle, Z max homing with auto align and BL touch. I know it doesn’t make sense to align/level it twice, just really wondering about power outage recovery, and it seems like the best (right) way to overcome the Z grinding on boot up.
So you’re taking your printing to ‘11’ ?
If you’re going to 11, clearly the new machine should be named Nigel.
P.S. I can’t shake the feeling that the fix was in for “Primo”. Would a forensic audit find that only brother Darryl’s votes were counted - not the other brother Darryl’s ???
- Al
The gift that keeps giving
Wow, late to the naming party it seems. But I’ll throw my first thought out there anyway. I thought “crank it up to 11” And then then settled on Up211 as a name. But I really like the CoreXi.
Oooohhhhhh, I do believe the firmware is working completely now. It homes to Z max, levels a bit, then I can probe for true leveling. Messing with the leveling amplification instead of real locations so it is easier to build to a different sized bed. As it stands, it levels to within 0.03mm, I feel like that is acceptable across the bed?
Need to print my first benchy