New MPCNC for 2020! - Primo -

I’m pretty diligent about keeping hold of the end, this was a fresh roll too

This makes me feel much better. I have had some tangles and I always blamed myself, and Blaine.


I’ve moved the spool to a milk crate, it can’t go anywhere now🤪

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Has anyone tried doing v carving in chocolate? I bet I could source some old easter bunnies. :slight_smile:

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Careful with all this older stuff 👨🏻‍🦳 👨🏻‍🦳 👨🏻‍🦳

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I am planning to buy the new kit once my paycheck and the full rambo line up but have a couple questions I want to be sure of before doing so. If they have been answered here already my apologies, I have skimmed this thread but with nearly 4k replies it would take a while to read all of them and I don’t see an easy way to ctrl+f on mobile.

From what I can tell the 23.4mm kit should be correct for sku: 101550 conduit. Is this correct? And the 25 and 25.4 are only for none conduit projects?

Is there plans to sell the 23.4 printed parts? Or at least the core? I was very excited to see the core for sale due to my lack of confidence in my printer for larger projects. The rest of the parts shouldn’t be an issue but that core is a beast.

Thanks for your time, hope you all are making plently of sawdust.

According to my Google-Fu, that is the correct conduit. At least, at the Orange Hardware Store it is. That’s where I got mine.

If you’re in doubt, either go to your local hardware store with a freshly-printed foot, and see if it fits the conduit. Or, measure the conduit with calipers (should be +/-23.5mm).
Ryan only just released the 23.5mm / “C” parts over the weekend, so I don’t think anyone is cutting on a C Primo yet, nor does he have the parts in the store yet. Give him a few days to see if anyone has any major problems with this version, and to print up some cores to put in stock.

My C Core is looking delightful, and is almost done printing! I’ve waited months to see this beauty on my print bed.

Carbon Fiber PLA from Atomic Filament, 0.6mm nozzle, 45mm/s, 70/30/70 Gyroid infill, 22.75 hour print time.


I’m jealous🤪 mine suffered a slight layer shift

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Thanks for the confirmation, was definitely going to take my calipers with me when I went but wanted to make sure.

The reason I ask about the pre printed stuff is the 25mm stuff has been out for a while with nothing available which had me worried. I understand it will take some time was just curious.

That looks great, and CF to someone is getting fancy lol

The 25mm version is almost exclusively used overseas and shipping costs to get there are pretty high. I believe that’s why Ryan hasn’t been stocking many 25mm sets. In the US we mostly use 25.4 or 23.5.


That’s what we affectionately call Modern Art!


It has been tried on ginger bread, for making houses!

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I got the parts from Ryan’s shop. Well, Ryan sent them to me anyway. Most of my stuff is self sourced from Ace hardware.

Not sure what happened that was supposed to be a gray hair but he looks like he got scalped to me just having fun. Keep it simple the ones who have to have the extras should work into them to be sure its needed. Duel endstops is misleading autosquare maybe

I do multiple bit change cuts all the time and never have issues. Its not a 3D printer different anamal

Chocolate actually hangs around long enough to get old?

Who knew?


[quote=“timonjkl, post:3486, topic:16891”]
Duel endstops[/quote] ?
If they are fighting each other I think you have a firmware problem!

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Are we talking Hamilton dueling, or Deliverance dueling (banjos)? One has rules, the other has… Well… Squeals. :pig2:


It’s 23.5 mm (not 23.4). That is the outside diameter (the one we care about).
But in its intended use, it is referred to / sold as 3/4 inch (the inside diameter).
So you want 3/4 inch conduit, aka EMT (Electrical Metallic Tube).
Beware…SKUs can be vendor specific, so are not good way to reference a product. If you know the UPC, that should be Uniform across vendors, but may still vary with different manufacturers. So stick to looking for 3/4" EMT and you should be OK. ( bought mine yesterday. I got 20 feet, so plenty of spare, and it was just over $10 total. But those 10 foot pieces are hard to fit a standard car, so think ahead. You might want to spend some more ( and have more waste) by getting the 5 foot lengths) .

Sun roofs are a wonderful thing. :grin: