New MPCNC for 2020! - Primo -

Hello, I just started printing my first MPCNC. I am going c-route and am print the Burly. As I am two parts in and I just saw that you are close to releasing Primo, Do you have a rough estimate of when it’ll be available?


Keep an eye on your watch… :wink:

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Always current time plus one minute

Two versions are out, the next one is coming soon.

When it’s working…

Putting up the “C” parts now. 23.5mm (23.4mm) Standard US “3/4” " EMT conduit.


Awesome. Thank you for those and all the work you do for this project.
Thank you to everyone else as well who helped facilitate this awesome project.


My xy parts for burly just failed at 99 %, guess I will just abandon that​:grinning::grinning:


Yay, I’ll start printing these tomorrow! FYI, the current Thingiverse description is incorrect and mentions the ‘“J” 25.4mm Version’. The title is correct.

https :// www . thingiverse . com/thing :4583201


Fixed, thanks!!

I recently got a Prusa and was looking for a new purpose for the hardware from my old scratch-built delta-printer. Now I’m going to scratch-build my first CNC. So EXCITED.

Thanks Ryan and all for your work, and for building what looks like a quality community. Off to the hardware store for conduit.

Ha, even my kids started asking me if the files for the new version had been released yet :smiley:


That is good to hear. I hope we did a good job at making it a fun project for you all!



(also, just in time! I can’t print much more drag chain, and I already did the mount for my 660 :relieved:)

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BTW, I just put in a small parts order. Amongst other bits, I couldn’t resist the emergency stop button. Anyone crazy enough to link to a BigClive “review” of the product they are trying to sell deserves the custom! I wonder what he would make of a MPCNC?


Awesome! Thank you so much! Will provide feedback as the build progresses.

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I think the files on Prusa site also indicate J in the description.

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Awesome! I have a machine with a build area of approximately 2’ x 3’, and some of my 3-year old parts were starting to crack and break (mostly due to noob mistakes I made printing and assembling, plus the wear and tear of the CNC learning curve).

I was reprinting parts only when they broke, but didn’t want to reprint Burly parts when there are other options. Since I have a fairly large machine, I was considering upgrading to Primo or rebuilding as Lowrider instead, but I’m currently out of work and want to make the upgrade inexpensive or at least phased. Upgrading to 23.5 Primo seems to be the most cost-effective route for me as the 25.4 tubing is fairly expensive.

In the future, I will probably rebuild it as a 25.4 (or 1" EMT if that becomes an option) or may go the LR route.

If I have to be honest with myself, what I really want is to keep tearing apart and rebuilding the thing forever. Like the old saying goes: “if it ain’t broke, break it so you can fix it” (I should make that sign before I take the machine apart, right?)

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I like the other versions too.

If it ain’t broke, i can fix that.

If it ain’t broke, fix it till it is.


Okay now that all the sizes are out, what have I been neglecting? Let’s start with, is there anything Primo related that is unfinished?