New MPCNC for 2020! - Primo -

How much space will I actually lose? 1-3 inches isn’t a big deal for me.

I don’t know. I took apart my burly to build the Primo. Let us know.

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Ok, just need to get filament, I’m pretty much out now.

Uploading the New Primo F parts now.


According to my measurements the bearing axis is now 23.5 away from the axis of rotational symmetry. (Which is correct because bearing radius is 11 and tube radius is 12.5).

for (i=[0, 1]) rotate([0, 120*i, 0])
translate([-62.5, -185.334, -56.25])
if (i) {  %import("core-clamp-f-primo-v1.STL");
} else { import("core-clamp-f-primo-v1.STL");}

And incidentally the cutaway curve is now concentric with the axis of symmetry.

for (i=[0, 1]) mirror([i, 0, 0])
translate([23.5, 0, 0])
translate([-62.5, -185.334, -56.25])
if (i) {  %import("core-clamp-f-primo-v1.STL");
} else { import("core-clamp-f-primo-v1.STL");}

Not doubting, just a sanity check. :+1:


Far from sane, so that is some other test…

Thank you, Going over all of them several times and of course I still doubt myself. You saying the cutaway was off is what really prompted me to dig deeper as I knew it was supposed to be.

“Person, woman, man, camera, TV”


Using the calculator, going from a 24x24 usable area Burly to the same cutting area Primo results in a 3 inch larger overall machine size. With the redesign of the corner holds, I’d assume definitely less than that 3in for total loss. Rails are about 1.5 longer on the Primo.

On my first break this morning I started the printer build. I got a new extruder I want to play with so I was excited to get started.

During the day the rest of the “C” parts finished so I took some time to get the build moving along.

After that picture I cleaned up those old rails, and put it together a little further. So fingers crossed I finish it up and everything works as is. Feeling like the “C” version is coming real soon.


Is the MP3DP getting an update too?

And how many free tacos did that product placement cost them? :wink: :taco: :taco:

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I’ve been looking at the mp3dp sense my mpcnc experience has been so good. An update sounds super exciting :grin:

Just playing with a new extruder and can’t spare a production machine. With all the new Primo’s I need to print.

Well it was my bedhead shield then it got above 95 in the shop 100+ and super smokey and ashy from a plethora of nearby wildfires. Had to take it off to let the fan get directly to my head…but I will call him up and demand tacos for exposing him to hundreds of new eyes!

I really need to hit the ZenXY first. I think I have a minor update in mind to make it better. And I need to clean off the LR as I have a dining table to build to put the new Zen in.

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We’re having a bunch of that too. It is really frustrating. Coughing, irritated eyes, runny nose. And we have an evaporative cooler, so it brings in a bunch of air from outside to cool the house, so we don’t have anywhere to hide, really. I broke down and bought a single room air filter and I’ve been vacuuming more than usual to try to bring the air quality up in the house.

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Oh man that is brutal. I work in it in the shop but the house is self contained, I did have to just change the filters though.

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It is really dry here, so I usually really appreciate this cooler, it is very efficient in dry climates. It is close to needing a replacement, but this has me thinking about forced AC. The house wasn’t built for it though, so that is $$$$.

…just print a new ac? Jk


I feel for both of you. We had to open up the house for almost a week after the Derecho until we got power again, and all of our allergies went haywire, plus all the sound from the chainsaws and generators…

22,000 tons (imperial) of debris removed from our city as of yesterday. And that’s not nearly half. That’s mostly the trees that people could move on their own, and the city has been picking up curbside.


I am just wondering if a MPCNC/MPCNC Primo logo is existing out there.
I know the famous V1Engineering logo, but I am looking for some MPCNC specific artwork.
In fact I would like to beautify the wall next to the MPCNC with a sign that is a little bit more elaborated than a simple ‘I :heart: MPCNC’.

Not from me…I have tried two different versions and nothing I like yet.