New MPCNC Burly dust collection concept

I’ve got my fancy new Kobalt router (thanks @vicious1!!) set up on on my MPCNC and did some cuts on friday, but my arm got tired holding the vac. I didn’t see any Burly dust collection designs out there I liked, so I started on my own last night. I wanted something that:

  • Attaches to the core (not the spindle)
  • Is vertically height adjustable
  • Doesn’t limit travel distance
  • Works with my 2.5" dust collection system
  • As much airflow as possible
  • Ideally spindle independent

Here’s what I came up with. I’d love feedback as I’m sure others have been down this path before.

It’s printing now and I’ll report back once I try it out.

A couple others I looked at:

Next up:

  • Test fit on the MPCNC
  • Design the dust boot section (I’m thinking something with a large acrylic window on top so i can still see the cut).

I used the second one you linked for quite a while, you need a boom arm for the hose so it doesn’t pull on the router, besides that it’s brilliant. :smile:

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Do you have any pics of your boom arm setup? I’m curious to see? I have a vacuum port a couple feet above the mpcnc, so not a ton of clearance

Different CNC, same idea:

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I like it. I don’t have a burly around anymore to take a look but seems like you accounted for the loss in work space pretty well.

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Came out pretty well! I forgot to model the top y-axis bearing that extends out a bit near the bolt so I had to cut a slot for that. I used some mounting tape to give it some extra stability

I loose maybe 10-15mm of X travel, but it’s overall nice and compact back there. Seems like a good use of space.

If I print this part again I’ll probably:

  • Handle the bearing in the top
  • Move the whole thing down ~1"
  • Move interface to the dust shoe a little further from the spindle (for flexibility on dust shoes for different spindles)

Next up I’ve got to design the dust shoe!


Here’s the dust shoe! Still need to laser-cut the clear acrylic window that will go on top.

I’ve been on the fence about whether to add brush bristles. If I make this adjust a bit lower I think I could just move the rigid dust boot to right above the work surface, which should make the visibility better through the acrylic window. Watching the cut is a big part of the fun!

Does anyone have any thoughts about the tradeoffs between a taller dust boot w/bristles vs a flatter dust boot right above the material w/ no bristles? I suppose I could always split the difference and do short-ish bristles.

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I am a huge fan of TPU printed brushes. I don’t have any dust from the CNC in the shop at all.

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Yeah TPU is pretty awesome for brushes. My dust boot on my original DW660 was this one which had TPU brushes: DW660 Magnetic Dust Shoe for MPCNC (525 & Primo editions) by nellson - Thingiverse

I wonder if there’s any flexible, clear, laser-cuttable, material I could make ‘brushes’ out of so that it would be somewhat see-through as well.

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Seeing is for suckers that don’t trust their CNC. :stuck_out_tongue:

But earnestly: I don’t have a clue, I am sorry. Is there maybe clear TPU?

If you cut mostly flat stuff no bristles are really needed. If you lots of pockets and carves bristles will help.


Is the STL available for this somewhere?

It’s definitely a WIP. I’m going to try some cuts with it tonight, and it will probably see at least one iteration after that.